PC Keith Palmer To Be Honoured With Full Police Funeral At Southwark Cathedral

He gave his life protecting the Houses of Parliament.

Members of the police force have paid poignant tributes to PC Keith Palmer ahead of his funeral, which will see thousands of officers line the streets in central London.

Palmer, who was murdered in the Westminster terror attack, will be honoured with a full police funeral at 2pm on Monday.

His colleagues in the police force shared touching messages as they prepared to say their goodbyes to the fallen officer.

Police officer in gloves and medals prepare for Pc Keith Palmer's funeral #StandForKeith pic.twitter.com/DifaiMsJYP

— Jonathan Savage (@JSavageTweets) April 10, 2017
PC Keith Palmer's coffin passes a police guard of honour as it arrives at Westminster Chapel
PC Keith Palmer's coffin passes a police guard of honour as it arrives at Westminster Chapel
PA Wire/PA Images

Thousands of officers from across the country are expected to line the streets around the cathedral and could take part in the service as ushers.

A range of train companies offered free return travel to London for police officers attending Palmer’s funeral.

Keith Palmer's cap is held as his coffin arrives at Westminster's Chapel of St Mary Undercroft
Keith Palmer's cap is held as his coffin arrives at Westminster's Chapel of St Mary Undercroft
PA Wire/PA Images

The 48-year-old was stabbed to death by Khalid Masood as he carried out his duties on the cobbled forecourt of the Palace of Westminster.

His coffin will be taken from the Palace of Westminster, where it has lain in rest overnight since Sunday, to Southwark Cathedral for the funeral on Monday, followed by a private cremation, the Press Association reported.

The Queen gave permission for Palmer’s body to rest in Westminster’s Chapel of St Mary Undercroft, an honour normally reserved for heads of state.

Keith Palmer was killed while on duty in Westminster
Keith Palmer was killed while on duty in Westminster
PA Wire/PA Images

Full service funerals are normally only held when a police officer or member of staff dies while they are carrying out their duty, Scotland Yard said.

Around 5,000 police officers, along with an estimated 40-50,000 members of the public, are expected to line the streets of London to pay their respects, according to the Evening Standard.

The funeral service will be attended by around 50 members of Palmer’s family including his wife, child, mother and father, brother and sisters.

Many police officers shared tributes to Palmer on the hashtag #StandForKeith ahead of the funeral...

All set for tomorrow. It's going to be a very emotional day but I'll be proud that I wear the same Uniform as Keith did #StandForKeith pic.twitter.com/3dM3EHPovc

— Barry (@Trojandelta) April 9, 2017

#StandForKeith pic.twitter.com/KxY4Y9p2Pd

— Police Oracle (@Police_Oracle) April 10, 2017

I know this is how it is in my house tonight and all our friends x sending love 💙#StandForKeith pic.twitter.com/iZUlSaI4kN

— KATIE MAGNET ;❤️ (@KatieMagnet) April 9, 2017

Travelling to London with a group of colleagues from Notts to pay my respects a fellow ex #Gunner turned police officer #StandForKeith pic.twitter.com/qcLOffwLQv

— SDB (@S_D_Brooks) April 10, 2017

As a mark of respect this will be my only tweet today as I prepare to #StandForKeith with thousands of colleagues.

— Potato Peeler (@Peeler_45) April 10, 2017

No.1 uniform ready,now on London train to meet Force colleagues @LeicesterPolFed to represent @leicspolice in paying respect #StandForKeith pic.twitter.com/Z0Vju1eFdF

— DCC Roger Bannister (@DCCLeicsPolice) April 10, 2017

All these companies offering FREE travel on Monday to #StandForKeith. An amazing show of unity & support. Means a lot to the #PoliceFamily. pic.twitter.com/KXDCorrHmh

— Patrol Cop (@patrolcop) April 6, 2017

Today, we will all #StandForKeith #NeverForgotten #RestInPeace #PCKeithPalmer pic.twitter.com/X7eFp7Y5FP

— CS Gillian MacDonald (@CSGMacDonald) April 10, 2017

#police are preparing their class 1 dress, shining boots and pinning medals before their #StandForKeith. @thepdtrust are there with you. pic.twitter.com/LIenZI001e

— The PDTrust (@thepdtrust) April 9, 2017

As well as others...

You died defending Parliament. We will never forget you, PC Keith #StandForKeith pic.twitter.com/6KgFchMBEj

— Jack Dromey MP (@JackDromeyMP) April 10, 2017

MO Thinking of our friends @Southwarkcathed today as they hold the funeral of PC Keith Palmer

— St Paul's Cathedral (@StPaulsLondon) April 10, 2017

@Oval_station: Monday 10th April Thought Of The Day From Oval Station - RIP #pckeithpalmer pic.twitter.com/Sz6wuMkG8b#StandForKeith

— Simon Cole (@CCLeicsPolice) April 10, 2017

Four other innocent people were killed and dozens of others injured in the 82-second atrocity on Wednesday 22 March, which ended with Masood being shot dead.

Andreea Cristea, 31, Leslie Rhodes, 75, Kurt Cochran, 54, and Aysha Frade, 44, died after he ploughed into pedestrians on Westminster Bridge.


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