We hope you love the products we recommend! All of them were independently selected by our editors. Just so you know, HuffPost UK may collect a share of sales or other compensation from the links on this page if you decide to shop from them. Oh, and FYI — prices are accurate and items in stock as of time of publication.
Decided you want an exercise bike but can’t stretch to Peloton prices? At prices starting at £1,350 for the market-leading bike alone, without adding the monthly subscription on top, it’s no surprise that not everyone can afford it.
Whether you want to train for the Tour De France, push your limits in live spin classes or you’re happy going solo, apps like Zwift, TrainerRoad, Kinomap and many more can make your ride more realistic and your training immersive at a smaller cost.
Even fans of And Just Like That would agree that saving money is a bigger motivator than (fictional) Peloton instructor Allegra!
Here are 14 Peloton alternatives to suit every budget and fitness level.
Get this for £219 (Subscription apps sold separately)
Get this for £124.34
Get this for £504.99 (My E-training app available for free, other apps on subscription)
Get this for £799.99 (Subscription service sold separately)
Get this for £499.99
There’s over 5,000 ratings on this indoor trainer stand that fits onto your own bike. And with six resistance settings you’ll get a good workout.
Get this for £79.99
Get it for £699.99 (Includes free AI Gym app, other apps available on subscription.)
Get this for £379
Get this for £99.99
Get this for £599.99 (Apps are sold separately)
Get this for £299.99
Get this for £37.99
Get this for £165.99
Get this for £158.54 (was £179.99) (Misuro B+ sold separately)