12 Times Off-Duty Medical Staff Were Everyday Superheroes

'We all watched, in awe.'

A tweet describing a heroic act from an off-duty doctor in London has sparked a heartwarming conversation about the similar acts performed by off-shift medical staff across the world.

On 10 June, trainee lawyer Lottie Ritchie took to Twitter to explain that she was at London Bridge when there was a tannoy announcement for a doctor to assist. “A woman near me looked at the guy she was with and just handed him her coffee and then RAN like a superhero,” Ritchie recalled. “It was amazing.”

Her tweet really resonated with others, who were prompted to share stories of how off-duty medical staff had gone above and beyond to help them (or others).

The nurse who dived through a car window.

Last year we were first on the scene of a bad car accident. Car was upside down, passenger's window open. We're running towards it when we're overtaken by a nurse, who bolts towards the car and doesn't even pause before going straight in through the window to get to the driver.

— (((Dame Judi Hench))) (@drop_of_indigo) June 10, 2018

When the ambulance arrived she clambered back out through the window, briefed the paramedics and then just brushed dirt off her knees and got back in her car to take her daughter to a birthday party. She was brilliant.

— (((Dame Judi Hench))) (@drop_of_indigo) June 10, 2018

The tracheotomy with a bottle of whisky.

One of my dad’s colleagues once performed an emergency tracheotomy on a plane with a bottle of whisky, a coat hanger & the outer bit of a biro. I am still in awe of this.

— Sarah Hughes (@sarahjphughes) June 10, 2018

The resuscitation of a four-month-old.

My spouse, MSN, was traveling to the hospital where she works, 50 miles from our home, at 5:30 a.m. on a lonely, rural road. Approached a terrible wreck, administered CPR to a four-month-old infant thrown from an unbuckled cat seat in a rollover. Stopped the bleeding in the 1/

— Ms. M. (@jenandjanstwits) June 10, 2018

adults from the car. Had the situation under control by the time help arrived almost a half hour later. Got back into her car, proceeded to the hospital, and worked a 12. Still so proud of her actions, 8 years later.

— Ms. M. (@jenandjanstwits) June 10, 2018

The interrupted exercise class.

Was in an exercise class. Someone saw man lying on the ground across street. Woman next to me ran out the door, across street, tended to the man until ambulance arrived, then REJOINED our exercise class.

We all watched, in awe. I teared up. She didn’t say one word the whole time

— Anne with an "e" (@mrsmaris) June 10, 2018

The camp site coffee break.

Years ago, my husband and I were camping with our little boy, my mum (a nurse) and step-dad. I came back from loo to find mum missing. She was in the next tent resuscitating someone who'd just collapsed. She just sauntered back afterwards and finished her coffee.

— Tamsin Turner (@tamsinturner4) June 10, 2018

The caring passerby.

An oil rig nurse leapt out of her car and grabbed my head and held it upright after a nasty crash years ago. She kept me talking and kept my head as still as possible as she thought I’d done real damage. Once the ambulance came and took over she just left, I never got her name 😢

— specs (@beckyistired) June 10, 2018

The theatre responder.

I work at a movie theater and had something similar happen. A woman was unresponsive and we called 911, while we waited for them we apologized to the guests and told them what happened. A doctor was in the crowd and rushed to help before paramedics arrived.

— BigBubbaBooth (@BigBubbaBooth) June 11, 2018

The helpful commuters.

On a tube, a woman collapses. Two doctors spring into action to help her. When she came to, loads of people offered her water, etc until medical transport comes. She was in early pregnancy & fainted on the hot tube.

— YourFavBlackAuntie (@greendoondoon) June 10, 2018

The mile-high rescue.

On a plane, man who had just had surgery began bleeding out. Wife started wailing, crew asked for doctor or nurse. Doctor runs back there and says we have to land this plane. Now! Landed in NC. 3 hr flight turned into 24 hr flight, man lived. Yay for doctors

— Juliana LoBiondo (@LoBiondoLawyer) June 11, 2018

The determined nurse.

my mom (a nurse)saw a guy walking on a bridge over a railway and climbing over the edge. She ran and reached him as he was jumping. She could grab his arm and hold him above the railway long enough for the help to come. She broke a rib and dislocate her shoulder but didn’t let go

— unkichikun 🎗️ (@unkichikun) June 11, 2018

The 1am callout.

All of our neighbors know that my mums a nurse so ran to us at around 1am when we were chowing down on pizza. My mum didn’t hesitate to run to their house with no shoes in her pyjamas, give CPR to their baby and come back to finish the pizza, it was amazing

— Bec (@sunshine_becca_) June 11, 2018

HumanKind is HuffPost’s celebration of kindness, featuring people who do incredible things for others or the planet – transforming lives through small but significant acts. Get involved by joining us on Facebook or telling us about the people who you think deserve recognition for their kind works. You can nominate them here or share your personal story by emailing natasha.hinde@huffpost.com.
