'Peppa Pig' Effect: Has It Changed Your Child's Accent?

"Two years later, she still oinks in conversation."

If you’re a parent of a young child, Peppa Pig is probably in your head on repeat.

But some mums and dads are noticing another effect of having the famous pig’s show on all the time – their kids are adopting Peppa’s accent and vocabulary.

A US mum who writes for Romper realised this was a thing when her toddler adopted a British accent after binge-watching the show: “She [also] calls me “mummy” and finishes her sentences with Peppa’s trademark snort,” the mum wrote.

“Two years later, she still oinks in conversation. Call it the Peppa effect.”


The mum’s informal survey of other parents revealed similar patterns – toddlers shouting “baked beans boom!” after the pig’s popular song, as well as copying brother George’s “waa-haa” cry.

And by the looks of Twitter, it isn’t only one set of parents experiencing this. Parents have been tweeting for years that the ‘Peppa Pig’ effect is in full swing – now it just has a name.

Many US parents have reported their kids adopting British accents, while others say they are also picking up interesting words and phrases from the famous pig and her family.

My child oinks til I turn on Peppa pig....😒😭😂

— natalie (@nfulk7) December 16, 2014

My daughter is watching Peppa Pig on youtube, and now is talking with some sort of Oz accent... my US/French child, with an Oz accent=FUNNY

— Angélique Green (@angeliquegreen) June 4, 2011

I know ur child watches too much peppa pig when she says "I wanna go to holiday" 🤔

— Alexis Calvillo (@alecalv4) April 15, 2017

Signs your child has watched too much Peppa Pig: She says,"let's ring the handyman" or "I'm a bit bored, Mummy" #PeppaPig

— Kate Hudson (@SpoKate) March 29, 2014

Child is awake. I hear the theme to Peppa Pig coming from the living room. Also, child now speaks with a British accent.

— Mel (@melwin7777) April 8, 2011

my 3 yr old cousin has an english accent from watching peppa pig and i’m jealous

— alex (@_alexis_raelyn) January 30, 2019

Child born in Leeds- Complete Yorkshire accent until Peppa Pig.... now this 🤦🏻♀️ #darnce #morningmadness #posh 😂😂 pic.twitter.com/jaujtPsWli

— Helen Riley (@lell78) November 29, 2018

My child's favorite show is Peppa The Pig. Not much worse than British pig accent all night.

— Staci Goodman (@GoodmanStaci) August 30, 2013

I love that my child watches and reads so much Peppa Pig that he now speaks some words in a British accent. SQUEEEEEEE!

— Diana Alex (@dianaalexwrites) November 30, 2015

When your child says “Mummy” in an English accent, you may be watching too much Peppa Pig.

— Jessie van Rijn (@JessieRelephant) January 7, 2019

That moment when you realize your child has a British accent from watching too much peppa pig.

— Jay Joyce (@echoblockjay) December 23, 2015

Have you ever noticed it?
