'Peter Kay's Car Share' Fans Dismayed By 'Unsatisfying Ending', Demand Christmas Special

Peter Kay won't budge.

‘Car Share’ fans were left distinctly wanting more after last night’s finale, particularly as Peter Kay has made it clear there won’t be any more.

The final episode of Series 2 found John Redmond (Peter Kay) and Kayleigh Kitson(Sian Gibson)’s slow-burning romance come to an abrupt halt after Kayleigh revealed she wanted more, and John freaked. By the time he’d recovered and set up a radio dedication for her, she’d gone - leaving John to dream of what might have been.

John and Kayleigh's slow-burning romance reached an impasse in the final episode of 'Car Share'
John and Kayleigh's slow-burning romance reached an impasse in the final episode of 'Car Share'

Some fans of the show decided this was an unsatisfying ending to what has been a much-cherished, much-praised show since its debut in 2015, and won Peter Kay two BAFTA Awards along the way.

Best/funniest episode ever! No way was that the final episode... Don't believe Peter Kay for a second! It can't end like that... #CarShare

— Paul Farrell (@DangerouslyMJJ) May 2, 2017

How can you leave a brilliant series like that and then say there's not gonna be any more episodes?! Fuming at Peter Kay #carshare

— Sarah ❤ (@SarahLizzie94) May 2, 2017

Right. I'm organising a Bring Back #CarShare march in Peter Kay's hometown of Bolton today.
Meet in Shaun Ryder Rehab Centre car park, 10am.

— Ian Hyland (@HylandIan) May 3, 2017

Meanwhile, some fans put all their hopes into a Christmas special...

Dear Peter Kay, if you make a Xmas special of #CarShare it would be one of the highest viewing figures for this year's festive season...

— MARK WADE (@Fredsmoustache) May 2, 2017

Put it this way, you can't spend two series talking about Christmas then not do a Christmas special. That be like killing Santa. #CarShare

— Ian Hyland (@HylandIan) May 2, 2017

Peter Kay won’t be troubled by such reports, however.

He told BBC Radio Manchester:

“You’ve got to get out while the going’s good. No. No Christmas special either.”

“I am absolutely delighted and overwhelmed by everybody’s support and the fact that everyone’s loved it so much has been wonderful for everyone who’s made it, but you’re better quitting while you’re ahead.

“It’s been wonderful working with Sian, who’s one of my closest friends in the world. We have a good laugh but I think sometimes you’ve got to just leave things.

“You need good ideas - that’s the problem. You need good strong stories. A lot of series tend to go on for one series too many, especially with comedies, and I think people say ‘ooh, it’s gone off, that’.”

He’s not wrong. Both ‘Fawlty Towers’ and ‘The Office’ went through just two series, although Ricky Gervais was persuaded to make Christmas specials for the latter.

A few satisfied souls, however, are happy with what they’ve had...

In my mind:Kayleigh gets home, Our Mandy says "Aww, heard John's message on't radio",she runs down St Peter's Way into his arms x #carshare

— Sally Ann Matthews (@SallyAnMatthews) May 2, 2017

@Sianygibby If John and Kayleigh singing Red Light isn't the greatest moment in TV history then what is #carshare 😢

— Lisa Keenan (@lisakee1973) May 2, 2017

There is a small consolation prize, however, for firm fans of Peter Kay in all his incarnations. In the same interview, he revealed He IS thinking of returning to Phoenix Nights, even revealing, “There’s a whole series three that’s been written for about 15 years!”


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