The clocks have gone back, we’re in single digits temperature-wise and so begins hibernation from now until April, sustained by box sets and our favourite winter vegetable that turns a shit day at work into a magnificent evening.
Bake it, fry it, cover it in cream and cheese, Potato, we love thee.
1. The ‘Shouldn’t Be Legal’ Potato
2. The ‘If They Are Mini Then Calories Don’t Count’ Potato
3. The ‘Let’s Have It For Breakfast’ Potato
4. The ‘This Is Basically A Proper Vegetable’ Potato
5. The ‘I Could Eat You Everyday’ Potato
6. The ‘Can I Put My Face In You’ Potato
7. The ‘Never Too Much Butter’ Potato
8. The ‘Feels Like Home’ Potato
9. The ‘Who Said Potatoes Were Boring’ Potato
10. The ‘Take A Picture And Frame Above The Mantlepiece’ Potato
11. The ‘Is There Anything Potatoes Can’t Do’ Potato
12. The ‘Why Didn’t We Think Of This Sooner’ Potato
13. The ‘Totally Perfect’ Potato
14. The ‘Drown You In Gravy’ Potato
15. The ‘What Is This Wizardry’ Potato
16. The ‘Humble Chip’ Potato