Bringing colour and structure to the more exposed areas of your garden can seem like a frustrating chore – especially when the rest of your garden is flourishing.
Mass-sowing isn’t simple and where do you even start with that, anyway?
Well, your kitchen, it turns out. From your tea shelf to your spice rack, there are so many opportunities for bringing colour and scent to your garden with minimal effort.
Use kitchen favourites to enhance your garden
Chamomile tea – which is said to help with improving sleep, mild anxiety, regulating blood sugar levels, muscle spasms in the gut, and overall heart health – can also provide a lush lawn right in your back garden.
All you have to do is rub the teabag between your hands to release the seeds, scatter them over a bare patch of soil in full sun and, of course, keep them well-watered.
Within weeks, you’ll have a beautiful corner of chamomile flowers and bonus – you can make fresh tea from them for a full circle experience.
You can follow a similar process with nigella seeds for daintier, delicate, usually pastel-coloured flowers that are perfect for filling in gaps in your garden. Nigella flowers can also be grown next to other flowers, providing an effortlessly diverse display.
If you’re looking for taller, bolder flowers, try poppy seeds. Edible poppy seeds do result in flowers that are maybe paler than what you’d usually have in mind, but they still produce a gorgeous display and pair well with most flowers that you already have in your garden.
These flowers create a low-effort lawn
For the first month, or until you see flowering, make sure you’re watering the soil regularly. Once they’ve flowered, they are very self-sustaining and will continue to thrive while they’re in season.
Additionally, they all work as standalone lawns or as part of a mix so you can make your own mix of wildflower seeds to sow in these patches for a versatile display.
Happy sowing!