Plus-Size Model Iskra Lawrence Shares Old ‘Retouched’ Underwear Photos To Send Powerful Body Image Message

'Perfect does not exist.'

For your daily dose of body confidence, look no further than Iskra Lawrence.

The 26-year-old plus-size model has shot to Instagram fame by posting un-retouched and, frankly, gorgeous photographs, alongside with body-positive captions.

If honesty is her currency, one of her latest Instagram posts does not disappoint.

On Monday, Lawrence shared “heavily retouched” throwback photos from earlier in her career, making a powerful statement about her own body image and self-esteem.

“You might be wondering who that random blonde girl is... Well it’s me. I might look different because I was a few dress sizes smaller but the main difference is... I’m HEAVILY retouched,” explained Lawrence, who is now a size 14.

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The 26-year-old then went through the photos, which were taken seven years ago, listing what has been enhanced - digitally or otherwise. From hair extensions and a push-up bra to photoshopped waist, legs and arms, she explained that the photo contains “nothing that makes me resemble the real me”.

Lawrence, who has 3.5million Instagram followers (and counting), has become a formidable role model when it comes to body confidence. She often shares body-positive messages along with her hashtag #EveryBodyIsBeautiful.

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The caption shows how much her outlook on her body and career has changed over the years: “The worst thing about it... I wanted to look like this!!! Yep I thought if I had ‘perfected’ images (like the ones I saw of other models) that I would book more jobs = would make me happy and successful.”

“In reality seeing retouched images of myself gave me even more insecurities and body image issues because I couldn’t even look like or relate to the image of myself!”

She ended the post with a powerful message: “Please NEVER EVER compare yourself to images you see, many aren’t real. Perfect does NOT exist so trying to achieve that is unrealistic and editing your pictures will not make you happy.

“What’s real is YOU, your imperfectly perfect self that’s what makes you magical, unique and beautiful.”
