As an introvert and highly sensitive person, I think podcasts appeal so much because it's like a one-sided conversation. We can tune into the inner thoughts of someone from across the world, or eavesdrop on a chat between friends.
Of course, not all podcasts are like that - hence this list: 10 podcasts that are perfect listening for introverts and highly sensitive people.
Beth Buelow hosts this prolific podcast which includes interviews from all across the introvert-extrovert scale. Her gentle manner and insightful questions make this perfect listening, particularly for introverts and highly sensitive people.
Whilst this podcast doesn't centre itself around introversion, vibrant host Meg Kissack is - believe it or not - an introvert and the level of depth the conversations she has with her guests is undoubtedly appealing to fellow introverts.
Sarah Santacroce is the host of this weekly podcast for introverts who are trying to grow their business - in a quiet, calm way. Guests include Brenda Knowles, Mark Schaefer and Janet Murray.
This weekly podcast hosted by yours truly is designed to help creative introverts get their work out into the world, and tackles this from both a right brain and left brained approach. Episodes alternate between solo 'trainings' with actionable steps, and guest interviews.
J. Thorn hosts this diverse and always entertaining podcast which covers everything from J's personal experiences with 'introvert hell' as well as some fantastic innie guests.
Hosted by Kelly, author of A Highly Sensitive Person's Life and all-round lovely lady, this podcast is a mix of interviews (including introvert ambassador Susan Cain) as well as solo shows offering advice for people who experience the world intensely.
Katherine Mackenzie-Smith is a life and business coach helping introverts understand themselves and on this podcast chats to other introverts doing inspiring things.
Andy Mort is the gentle host of this podcast for songwriters, introverts and HSPs. Some of the topics Andy covers are dealing with overwhelm, living a peaceful life and coping as a creative rebel.
Tips about self care and business from an introvert who loves to travel.