President Trump's Muslim Refugee Ban Is Already Ruining Lives

And we're only a few hours in.

Despite only being signed a matter of hours ago, President Trump’s executive order banning US entry for refugees from seven Muslim-majority countries is already having life-changing consequences.

Even green-card holders, legal permanent US residents, are being denied entry back into the country.

A protester walks through Terminal 4 at John F. Kennedy International Airport in Queens, New York, U.S., January 28.
A protester walks through Terminal 4 at John F. Kennedy International Airport in Queens, New York, U.S., January 28.
Andrew Kelly / Reuters

The ban on those from Syria is indefinite while that affecting Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen will last 90 days.

There have been no fatal terror attacks in U.S. by immigrants from these countries.

Here are nine people already affected by the measure.

1) The caregiver

Real world impact of ban: I can't visit my dad with dementia in a home in Toronto at the moment. I'm his primary caregiver.

β€” Hrag (@hragv) January 28, 2017

2) The Oscar nominee

Confirmed: Iran's Asghar Farhadi won't be let into the US to attend Oscar's. He's nominated for best foreign language film...#MuslimBan

β€” Trita Parsi (@tparsi) January 28, 2017

Oscar nominee Asghar Farhadi has been banned by Tr🚽mp from entry into the US to attend Academy Awards. #MuslimBan

β€” Q. Allan Brocka (@allanbrocka) January 28, 2017

3) The American children

It has not slowed down. Just spoke to a family from Yemen, with two US Citizen children (5/6 y/o), who have been turned away. #MuslimBan

β€” Abed A. Ayoub (@aayoub) January 28, 2017

4) The translator

An Iraqi translator for US military was barred entry by #MuslimBan. He can't see his family. There's shameful history of turning our backs.

β€” sarah amy harvard (@amyharvard_) January 28, 2017

5) The guy miles from his family

guys i can't go to syria this summer to see my whole family cause of the #MuslimBan ... thanks trump. i thought i liked you πŸ˜’

β€” hussain (@hussain_asaad) January 28, 2017

6) The stranded father

My Iranian-American friend's father is in Iran right now for a visit. He's a green card holder. Under #MuslimBan, he can't come back.

β€” sarah amy harvard (@amyharvard_) January 28, 2017

7) The refugee family

My refugee friend and her young son were ecstatic last wk b/c her husband was approved to come from Iraq. What do I tell her now? #MuslimBan

β€” Matt Jaber Stiffler (@ProfStiff) January 28, 2017

8) The student

My wife is a math prof. Her dept was recruiting a talented student from Iran. It appears that he will now not be able to come. #MuslimBan

β€” Jean-Paul Cane (@cane_jean) January 27, 2017

9) The 7-year-old peace preacher

Dear Gabriela, I wanted to visit you in America soon & kiss you but Syrians are banned from America, why? I am very sad. Shall we ever meet?

β€” Bana Alabed (@AlabedBana) January 28, 2017

My cousin from #Iran won't be moving to the US to finish her chemistry degree now. Thanks #MuslimBan πŸ–•πŸ½

β€” Athena Kheibari (@AthenaKheibari) January 28, 2017

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