Pret Will Now Give You 50p Off Your Coffee If You Bring A Reusable Cup

Maybe 2018 won't be so bad afterall?

For most people today is their first day back at work in the new year, and the January blues are looming large.

Not only do our bank accounts look worse for wear after Christmas, but we’re all feeling underslept after that early alarm.

So what could be better than the promise of cheap coffee (not to mention a little feel good factor), which is exactly what Pret A Manger is promising customers who bring their own cup to stores from today.

Neil Hall / Reuters

Starting on the 2 January, everyone who brings a reusable cup to the high street coffee chain will be rewarded with a 50p discount on their hot beverage.

A cost reduction that means their filter coffee will only cost 49p.

The environmentally-friendly incentive was introduced after the brand’s CEO, Clive Schlee, tweeted back in November that they were trying to encourage more drinkers to bring reusable cups, instead of relying on the takeaway ones.

How do we encourage more customers to bring reusable coffee cups to @Pret? We’re thinking of increasing the discount for bringing your own cup from 25p to 50p. Our organic filter coffee would cost just 49p! I’d love to hear your thoughts.

— Clive Schlee (@Cliveschlee) November 27, 2017

As a result of positive feedback to his initial tweet, Schlee and his team decided that Pret should change their policy to reward customers with reusable cups.

Hooray for reusable cups 💚

— Pret (@Pret) January 2, 2018

Paper cups are a huge problem for the coffee industry, which experts estimate creates around five billion items of waste every single year in the UK.

Although many of these cups seem to be paper (which might lead you to believe they aren’t that bad) they are actually not as biodegradable as they look.

This is because although they are paper on the outside, they are sealed internally (to stop the liquid seeping out) with a plastic lining; a factor which means almost none of the cups on the high street break down in landfill sites.

Scientists believe they take upwards of thirty years to start to decompose.

Other suggestions from customers on Twitter included a reward scheme or having mugs for people drinking in store, rather than taking their drink away.

Encourage a recycling scheme. Return your take away cups to the store 6 times and get a free /discount on buying a reusable cup or drink

— rogan (@Slugn_) December 10, 2017

People respond more to the threat of losing something than the promise of gaining it. Might work better to offer a freebie for using your own cup - biscuit/banana/extra shot etc

— Holly Brockwell (@holly) December 7, 2017

Also include a message reinforcing the user’s +ve actions: “I’m helping to reduce waste & save the planet”. Plus some helpful stats on how xx no. of reusables will reduce waste by xx%. Makes the user feel good & promotes the programme to others.

— OO'Neill (@TessaJONeill) November 28, 2017

Discount is a great idea; some other options: Selling reusable cups in your outlets and possibly dropping down current prices and implementing a CHARGE for disposable cups instead (would amount to the same thing, but might encourage using reusable cups more)

— Elle (@accioscreenname) November 27, 2017

Good work Pret.
