Thursday afternoon the internet exploded when photos of Prince William's Penis hit the internet, seen below. The photos appear to have been taken at a polo game while the heir to the throne relieved himself.
Perez Hilton linked to a website with William photos titled Royal Cock that instantly crashed the servers. He then linked to them at a Spanish site that set the Prince William urinating photos to music.
Other sites soon picked up the Prince William penis photos, and no more server crashing can prevent their spread. One newspaper called it The Prince William Penis, adding an article to the body part in question to make it definitive. Other sites added lots of exclamation points in their excitement for Prince William's Penis!!!!! while some took the Prince William Peeing angle, omitting penis. One site posted the Prince William Peeing Penis Photos to YouTube, but it got stripped out. A technology news site even did a Prince William Peeing story. Glamour magazine did a blog post on Prince William Peeing, saying just that one can see "Everything." Hollywood gossip sites gladly posted Prince William Peeing Penis Photos and Prince William's Penis even became a trend on buzzfeed.
Previous Prince William Penis stories focused on the bulge in his pants, never actual photos.