'Pity I’m Not The One Who Gives Out Handshakes': Prue Leith Is All Of Us

Petition for the 'Prue Pat' on Bake Off, please.
Paul extending a handshake to contestant Giuseppe in the semi-final.
Channel 4
Paul extending a handshake to contestant Giuseppe in the semi-final.

Warning: this article contains spoilers for the GBBO 2021 semi-final.

It was a heart-wrenching moment when Jürgen Krauss, possibly the best-loved contestant in Great British Bake Off history, presented his semi-final signature bake to the judges.

Paul Hollywood declared “I like it, but I don’t love it” and declined to give Jürgen one of his famed “Hollywood handshakes”, when the other three contestants each received one.

Jürgen looked towards Prue for redemption and thankfully, she loved the bake. But alas, it seems her opinion wasn’t enough.

“It’s a pity I’m not the one who gives out handshakes,” lamented Prue – while women watching the TV screamed in unison: “Why not!?”

‘Old on…why can’t Prue give out handshakes?!?! 😒 #GBBO pic.twitter.com/FZv7yk7O09

— Sam Prince-Mernick (@Sprincey_) November 16, 2021

Paul’s handshakes started as a bit of fun, where, back in the Mary Berry days of season three, he whipped out his palm to congratulate contestant Ryan Chong for some stellar sweet dough.

But the shakes have since morphed into something so much more – a symbol of success that’s almost as coveted as the “star baker” title.

In what was a close-knit episode – with the contestants almost impossible to separate – many on social media have speculated that Paul’s lack of handshake was the final nail in the coffin for Jürgen, who was voted off ahead of the final.

Women have also questiond why Paul’s handshake holds so much power – and suggested it’s just another example of a man’s opinion being held in higher esteem than a woman’s.

The fact Paul Hollywood's handshake was so highly regarded that it outweighed Prue's opinion on Jurgen's first bake has really grimmed me out... #GBBO pic.twitter.com/bbGihFWBUK

— Lara Terry (@LaraRixon) November 16, 2021

When are we going to stop pretending Prue doesn’t have more experience in her little finger than her male co-star & end this handshake nonsense? #GBBO

— Charlotte Ledger (@girl_on_a_ledge) November 16, 2021

Prue saying "pity I'm not the one giving out handshakes" makes me wonder if the producers are content with normalising and reinforcing gendered divisions & (toxic) masculine dominance in professional cooking spaces...#GBBO

— Helen Rooney (@wandher_lust) November 16, 2021

I'm not clutching at straws here. There's a definite division between the male and female presenter here (e.g. the notion of a "harsh" male judge and a "sweeter, kinder" female judge).

Why can't Prue give out handshakes or the equivalent? Why would that not be as meaningful?

— Helen Rooney (@wandher_lust) November 16, 2021

This is patriarchy at its worst. Piss off Paul! Women's handshakes count just as much as men's and Prue has far more experience than Paul. NOT happy! #justiceforjurgen #GBBO

— Chloe Delaney (@drchloe_2000) November 16, 2021

Woken up still angry about Bake Off. If ever there was a time for a “Shantay, you all stay” moment.

Also, why do Paul’s handshakes hold more weight than Prue’s opinions? She should have elbowed him out of the way and offered Juergen a fist bump or a hair ruffle or something.

— Lisa Holdsworth (@WorksWithWords) November 17, 2021

Beware of the Paul Handshake in your workplace. It’s where a man who is technically equal to a woman invents his own award system, and over time giving out and holding back the award subtly manoeuvres himself into a position of more authority. Flans look nice though!!🎂 🍰 🧁

— Liz Kingsman (@lizkingsman) November 16, 2021

It's absurd that a "Hollywood Handshake" is the pinnacle of baking success. His opinion is not worth more than Prue's (nor Mary before her). #GBBO

— Hayley Still (@Hayley_Still) November 16, 2021

i need prue to create her own handshake because it’s upsetting seeing people fight for a man’s acceptance like this ✊🏻😔 #GBBO

— hannah (@hannachoes) November 16, 2021

I’ve never watched bake off before so this is my first series but that handshake thing is very very weird! Why did that ridiculous woman nearly collapse because a man shook her hand? Is Prue’s opinion irrelevant? It was a bit embarrassing! Has equality reversed 50 years. 😝

— Marianne (@cherriesinapie) November 16, 2021

Of course, we mustn’t forget that this is a light-hearted baking show, and the contestants clearly do adore being recognised for their hard work with Hollywood’s extended hand.

Still, the unequal power dynamic between Paul and Prue is increasingly hard to ignore – and reminds us of every time an experienced woman has been overlooked in the workplace in favour of a confident man.

We’d like to petition for Prue to have her own handshake – the ‘Prue Pat’, as some on social media have called it. Or, as others have suggested, she could bestow her signature necklace on successful bakers like a medal, instead.

Now, that’s a prize we’d truly appreciate.
