BBC Question Time Teen Wins Raucous Applause With Poignant Question About Westminster Harassment

'How is it I know how to respect women better than government ministers?'

A 17-year-old schoolboy won raucous applause from last night’s Question Time audience by asking: “How is it that I know how to respect women better than some of our government ministers do?”

Teen Nathan Langford was heralded as “tremendous” and “inspiring” by viewers on Twitter after he tackled the panel in Croydon in the wake of the Westminster sex scandal.

“I’m completely astounded,” he said. “Like we have seen with Michael Fallon and other government ministers, the sex toy minister. It’s absolutely disgusting.”

Meanwhile, a number of other ministers have also found themselves the subject of sexual harassment allegations.

Teenager Nathan Langford won widespread support from the audience with his question about Westminster harassment
Teenager Nathan Langford won widespread support from the audience with his question about Westminster harassment

Continuing with his questioning of the BBC panel - which included education secretary Justine Greening and Labour MP Stella Creasy, Langford said: “We had an assembly on lad culture and we were shown a video where men - and I have to say, some women - were saying quite horribly derogatory things about women, quite misogynistic.

“And everyone was, on the whole, quite serious about it in the assembly.

“But as soon as we got out the door, people started joking and thinking ’Oh, that doesn’t apply to me, so I can have a good joke about it and laugh with my mates.′

17-year-old audience member Nathan says that the problems arising from "lad culture" must be taken seriously #bbcqt

— BBC Question Time (@bbcquestiontime) November 9, 2017

“Part of that is looking quite sheepish or whatever in front of your mates if you agree with what has been said in the assembly or whatever, and part of it’s not realising that that kind of joke, that kind of joke, is what perpetuates the problem.

“That has to be stamped out.”

“It’s young people like this that you come across that give you hope for the future,” one viewer tweeted.

Others also took to social media to applaud the young man for his stance:

"As a 17-year-old schoolboy, how come I know how to respect women more than some government ministers?" Tremendous. #bbcqt

— Rachel Wearmouth (@REWearmouth) November 9, 2017

Fair play to you Nathan lad. You were so well spoken and I hope inspired people with your words tonight.

— Rob Lewis (@bodge4uk) November 9, 2017

Well there’s a proud mum out there somewhere. What a respectful, intelligent young man. Want mine to grow up like that!

— Beth (@tombola4098) November 10, 2017

Representing himself proudly. Well done that young man.

— WobblyKnee ⚒ (@DodgyPatella) November 9, 2017

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