Question Time Sparks Accusations Of 'Tory Plant' - Again


A man who voiced an opinion on Question Time has prompted outrage and accusations of BBC bias from people who have a different opinion.

During the show’s weekly Brexit-related shouting match a gentlemen in the audience said he was “a little bit sick of Labour and the far-left just constantly criticising” the Government.

He added: “Can I just say, it’s really easy to sit by the wayside and criticise when you’re not actually at the table yourself.”

Labour supporters and those on the far-left were incensed.

Who my money’s on for this week’s tory audience plant #BBCqt

— James Brossman (@Brossman179) November 16, 2017

Is this the plant in tweed? He looks and sounds like a twat. #bbcqt

— Steve Turner (@steveturner02) November 16, 2017

"It's really easy to criticise when you're sitting by the wayside... Labour and the 'hard left' blah blah blah" I was wondering when I'd see a plant #bbcqt

— #BringBackOurGirls (@janeycakkkes) November 16, 2017

Labour-supporting and far-left blog site, Evolve Politics, even offered a reward for information on the man.

We're offering a free Evolve T-Shirt to the first person to find out who this blatant Tory plant is. #bbcqt

— Evolve Politics (@evolvepolitics) November 16, 2017

But were forced backtrack when people suggested this amounted to doxxing.

Is this a joke if not I am unfollowing it’s not cool

— Mr.Posthoc (@Mrposthoc) November 16, 2017

Point is, he might be a Tory (boo hiss) but seems a bit Stasi to appeal for info to track him down

— James Doleman (@jamesdoleman) November 16, 2017

We're making light of the fact that a Tory plant is exposed almost every week on #bbcqt

— Evolve Politics (@evolvepolitics) November 16, 2017

Although the gentlemen’s comments did essentially amount to criticising the Opposition for opposing the Government...

"I'm sick to death of Labour sitting on the sidelines and criticising the government"

Someone hand this man a dictionary and point out the definition of "opposition" to him.#bbcqt

— Graham Lithgow (@grahamlithgow) November 16, 2017

... accusations of another Question Time/BBC Tory bias scandal swirled on social media, ignoring the fact numerous other audience members with non-stereotypical accents commented on a variety of issues, including pro-Remain views on Brexit.

To @bbcquestiontime #bbcqt next time 3 Tory/UKIP party members get planted in the audience, please make sure they the have a local accent, last night was cringeworthy, the Geordies came across as pro remain, the 3 brexiteers with non Geordie accents where obvious as plants

— cirian75 (@cirian75) November 17, 2017

Has anyone counted the Geordie accents this evening? Is there any BBC audience safe from having Tories bussed in to make up the numbers? I don't think tonight's #BBCQT audience is representative of the local area.

— Rachael (@Rachael_Swindon) November 16, 2017

Accusations of “Tory plants” on Question Time are as regular as the show itself. The BBC has previously explained how it chooses audiences to ensure those in attendance are representative of both the UK and local constituencies.

A spokesperson told The Huffington Post UK: “The Question Time audience is always chosen by a team to ensure broad political balance and each application goes through the same rigorous background checks.”

Although Newcastle is a Labour stronghold, the Tories received almost 25% of the votes in the 2015 General Election


And in the Brexit vote Newcastle voted Remain although by a very narrow margin of one per cent (all other constituencies in the North-East voted Leave).

So it is therefore not in the realm of impossibility that a Tory supporting Brexit voter is representative of a significant number of people in Newcastle.


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