Rachel McAdams Hair Is Now Red: What Do You Think? (PHOTO)

PHOTO: Rachel McAdams Dyes Her Hair Red!

Get thee to a hair salon, ladies. Regina George now has red hair, which means all of us must now go get red hair. (It's like army pants and flip flops.)

OK, so it's Rachel McAdams' hair that has changed, but the point still stands. The "Mean Girls" actress was spotted with her new hair color earlier this week, which she'd been keeping under wraps since her breakup with Michael Sheen.

Although the jury is still out on the new hue, Rachel has proven herself to be a hair chameleon. We first got to know her in a blonde wig (!) in "Mean Girls," then with a burnished orangey-blonde 'do in "The Notebook" and then as a brunette in "Wedding Crashers." She dabbled in neon pink in 2007, tried blunt bangs in 2012 and even experimented with a sleek "pob" in 2005.

And now she's a redhead. Check out the photos below -- what do you think?


rachel mcadams hair

Which hairstyles suit these celebs best?

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