Racism After Brexit Prompts Scottish Punjabi Woman To Give Abusers History Lesson On Twitter

'My people helped make Britain what it is today.'

Reports of racist and xenophobic incidents have spiked following the UK's decision to leave the European Union.

But one woman has posted a series of tweets for the attention of any voters who might find themselves agreeing with or even taking part in racist incidents.

Twitter user Menissa S, who defines herself as an Asian Scot, had this message - with a history lesson included for free:

1. A word to *some* #leave voters: this is for the racists shouting naff 1970s abuse at us on the streets #postrefracism

— Menissa (@MenissaS) June 28, 2016

2. Britain came to India early 1600s. Why do you think it stayed until 1947? "My people" IndPakBrits helped make Britain what it is today.

— Menissa (@MenissaS) June 28, 2016

3. Let's make things easy for you & stick to modern history. As tall, strong, loyal punjabis, the men in my family made perfect soldiers.

— Menissa (@MenissaS) June 28, 2016

4. Punjabis were specifically recruited for both world wars. The men in my family fought and died in both. For Britain. It is only now that

— Menissa (@MenissaS) June 28, 2016

5. we are beginning to enjoy some level of respect & honour for their bravery but, I guess, not from you ignorant morons. After the wars...

— Menissa (@MenissaS) June 28, 2016

6. although Britain balked at the thought of being ruled by a foreign power, it did not give it up lightly in India. Heard of General Dyer?

— Menissa (@MenissaS) June 28, 2016

7. And Mountbatten, the Queen's bimbo cousin, trusted to deal with partition. Speeded up the process because his wife was shagging Nehru

— Menissa (@MenissaS) June 28, 2016

8.My grandma watched her husband (her best friend) burned alive during partition. She fled with our ancestral gold to the forest & buried it

— Menissa (@MenissaS) June 28, 2016

9. "knowing" she'd go back to find it. But it was lost forever. Despite her trauma, she remarried & moved to Britain and worked into her 70s

— Menissa (@MenissaS) June 28, 2016

She stressed how since they arrived in the UK, her family had contributed to their country.

10. My dad and his siblings were born and grew up here. My family work hard. You like to say "hard working" but you haven't got a clue

— Menissa (@MenissaS) June 28, 2016

11. With only a handful of exceptions, everyone in my clan is a higher rate taxpayer. How much tax do you pay, little racist #leave voter?

— Menissa (@MenissaS) June 28, 2016

12. My family also contribute by employing 100s of British locals & we give 2.5% of our savings to British charities. How much do you give?

— Menissa (@MenissaS) June 28, 2016

13. Part of me thinks f- you, you will be more affected by #brexit than I will.

— Menissa (@MenissaS) June 28, 2016

14. I'm wealthy, can bet on currency, buy a bigger house in a recession, enjoy private health care. It is *you* who will suffer

— Menissa (@MenissaS) June 28, 2016

15. And yet, I feel sad for you. The austerity will hit you hard. You have no idea how stupid it was to vote #leave , especially the Welsh

— Menissa (@MenissaS) June 28, 2016

And to those who think people like Menissa should "go home"? She has a very simple message:

16. And now, some of you #leave voters with your #postrefracism are telling *me* to go home? How dare you. I AM HOME

— Menissa (@MenissaS) June 28, 2016

After a fellow user suggested that she had been sneering at those who pay less tax, she followed up to several comments and explained that she hadn't imagined her tweets would be so widely read...

@Serosedserio14 wasn't my intention but I can see it came across like that

— Menissa (@MenissaS) June 29, 2016

@AtifSGooner no, you make a fair point. I'm cringing at the way I drafted some of the tweets. Usually about 5 people will read them ... 😊

— Menissa (@MenissaS) June 28, 2016

She also said she regretted some of her choice of words, such as calling those who voted leave (particularly the Welsh) "stupid":

@Usman_OnTheMoon I regret saying stupid 😞

— Menissa (@MenissaS) June 28, 2016

@billdossett I regret the Welsh comment, I meant we scots/Welsh need the EU more than most. I was just shocked by the result.

— Menissa (@MenissaS) June 28, 2016

Her tweets have been retweeted and liked thousands of times.

They even caught the attention of Harry Potter author JK Rowling, who retweeted all 16.

The National Police Chiefs’ Council revealed a rise of 57% between Thursday and Sunday compared to the corresponding days four weeks ago.

Anecdotally, there has also been a spate of verbal and physical attacks against those from Eastern Europe living in the UK.

Attacks on those from non-EU countries has also risen with a 57% increase of those against Muslims, including small children and Brits of foreign ancestry have also been targeted.

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan has asked Scotland Yard to be “extra vigilant” after a number of incidents were reported in the capital and around Britain, the Press Association reported.


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