Real-Life Elf Causes More Mischief Than His Elf On The Shelf Toy In Hilarious Clips

This two-year-old is getting sneaky.

One dad is making the Elf on the Shelf experience that bit more memorable by dressing his toddler up as an elf himself.

Alan Lawrence, from Utah who runs That Dad Blog, did this for the first time in 2015. However this year, Lawrence has mixed things up a bit with his now two-year-old son Rockwell a.k.a. Rock the Elf.

“We are documenting his adventures on my blog and this year we have made some hilarious videos of him getting into trouble as the elf,” the dad told HuffPost UK.

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Rather than capturing the elf causing mischief with a photo, Lawrence films his real-life elf being cheeky in video clips.

In one of the videos, Rock the Elf won’t let his dad sleep.

“If your Elf on the Shelf flies home at night consider yourself lucky,” Lawrence captioned the video.

“Ours gets a kick out of randomly scaring me in the middle of the night.”

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And in another clip, Rockwell steals a huge bowl of Lawrence’s cereal.

“I didn’t get mad when the Elf gift wrapped my toilet and I couldn’t get it open in the middle of the night,” the dad wrote.

“But when he deliberately ate all of my favourite cereal, that was too far.”

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Oh, and Rock the Elf also covered the Christmas tree in toilet roll.

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It might be slightly more effort to create real-life Elf on the Shelf adventures, but it will definitely create memorable moments.

Catch up with Lawrence and Rock the Elf’s adventures on @thatdadblog’s Instagram here.
