January, also know as the longest month of the year, is finally coming to an end. The start of the year can feel like a confusing time. You’re either focused on the new year ahead or mentally in the year before. It also doesn’t help that for most of us, pay day is just so far away.
But regardless about how you feel about this month, it’s basically over and we’re happy to see it go. The days are getting longer, Valentine’s is coming up and Covid restrictions have ended. Not sure about how you feel about January ending? Here are 8 reasons to smile as we say hello to a new month.
You’ve finally been paid
January is the longest month of the year because we literally have no money. Many of us are paid a week earlier in December due to Christmas. This is great for the last minute present buying push but by the second week of January we’re dipping into your savings. Now you’ve been paid and all peace can be restored.
New month, same you
The start of the year comes with the pressure to focus on your new year resolutions. This could be going to the gym, picking up a new language or starting a new diet. Now that January is over we don’t feel compelled to excel at our goals. Remember slow and steady wins the race, it’s good to have goals but you should also show yourself some grace.
Dry January is over, if you want it to be.
For those who managed to complete dry January, you can finally relax and have your first alcoholic beverage of the year. It’s probably best if you start off with something light so you don’t go too crazy. Go to the bar and order yourself your favourite drink and enjoy.
The days are getting longer and the nights shorter
Finally, it’s 4:30pm and it’s no longer pitch dark! The weather is slowly starting to get warmer so too. We can now go evening walks – or runs – again without them feeling like a chore or a risk.
Covid rules have relaxed
Plan B has been scrapped. The guidance of working from home has been lifted and it’s no longer mandatory to wear masks except in public spaces. Even if we still want to abide by the rules, it’s nice to know that life is finally going back to normal.
We can travel again a bit more easily
From February 11, all travelling tests for those who are fully vaccinated will be scrapped. This will make going on holiday way less stressful than it has to be. Thinking about going to Italy? Or how about Mexico or Ghana? It doesn’t matter where you pick – the world feels like your oyster again.
Valentine’s / Galentine’s is coming up
The day of love is around the corner. Whether you’re in a relationship or single, Valentines day can be a day of joy and celebrating the people who matter to you. Especially since this is the first Valentine’s day in two years where we haven’t been in lockdown. Grab your partner or your friends and show them the love.
Spring is on its way. No, really
Take a walk to your local park and you’ll see them if you looks closely enough: little green shoots pushing up and the flowers too: snowdrops, crocus, hellebores, daffs. And you know what that means. Spring is really not far away.