Rebekah Vardy Wants To Remind New Mums The 'Perfect' Body Doesn't Exist

'Our bodies go through so many changes.'

Rebekah Vardy wants to take the pressure off new mums to achieve “perfect” bodies shortly after they’ve given birth.

The mum, who gave birth to her fourth child Finley in January 2017, recently bared her post-baby body in a photoshoot.

Speaking on ITV’s ‘Good Morning Britain’ on Thursday 19 April, she said she wanted to encourage mums to feel more confident about their bodies.

“I think it’s really important that perfection doesn’t exist, which is why I did the shoot and to say look, this is what reality looks like after having children,” she said.

The mum added: “There’s nothing to be ashamed of, nothing to hide away from.”

Vardy, who is also mum to two-year-old Sofia with Jamie Vardy and Megan, 11, and Taylor, six, from previous relationships, explained she was body shamed just days after giving birth to Finley.

“I’d just come out of hospital, Finlay was two days old, and someone tweeted I had massive thighs and was disgusting, and at that point I thought, this is not right,” she said.

“You don’t have to look perfect, these pictures you see on social media… they’re not real.”

Vardy shared a photo of her post-baby body on Instagram 10 days after giving birth to Finley.

Our bodies go through so many changes growing a baby, it’s not easy, it’s tough on women,” she wrote.

“The trauma of childbirth, the sleep deprivation that follows, the ups and downs. We never fully recover. Learn to love the wrinkly skin, the stretch marks, the deflated once perky boobs.

“Perfection doesn’t exist... it’s just an illusion.”

‘Good Morning Britain’ is on weekdays from 6-8.30am.
