Refuge Restrooms Launches Mobile App To Help Users Locate Gender Neutral Bathrooms

This New App Could Be A Lifesaver For The Transgender Community

Where's the bathroom?

While such an inquiry might seem harmless and nonchalant to some people, it is a loaded, even dangerous question for gender non-conforming individuals or those identifying along the transgender spectrum. Now, a new app is here to help users find safe (unisex, single-stall or LBGT-friendly) bathrooms all over the world.

We first brought you the news about Refuge Restrooms last year when it first functioned as a website. Now users can take this valuable tool with them wherever they go through the use of their mobile phones.


"There's been a recent political movement in certain U.S. states to force trans people to use restrooms not aligned with their gender identity, which is alarming when violence that occurs regarding restrooms is typically aimed at trans people, not caused by them," app creator Harlan Kellaway told The Huffington Post. "The intent behind Refuge is to take the anxiety and potential violence trans people face when using public restrooms away from an activity we all have a right to do in peace. The new mobile app format allows people to access that resource in a way that's familiar and to potentially encourage the entry of more records while people are on the go."

Head here for more information about Refuge Restrooms or here to download the app.


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