But Seriously, When's The Right Time To Turn Your Heating On?

It's the age-old question that causes rifts between flatmates and partners – now more than ever.
With the cost of living looming, many of us are putting off turning the heating on for longer
ArtMarie via Getty Images
With the cost of living looming, many of us are putting off turning the heating on for longer

It’s that time of year again when temperatures seem to have suddenly plummeted out of nowhere as we shove away the summer duvet for another year.

However, with the cost of living crisis hovering over our heads, one of the biggest issues for many of us this year will be deciding when it is reasonable to turn our heating on for the first time - because let’s be real, once we’ve stuck it on once, that’s us using it until spring.

You don’t need to tell us twice that it’s way more economical to wear a jumper or two (or as fans of Martin Lewis are currently obsessing over – wearable blankets) but arguments still fly between housemates, families and partners over whether it should be switched on or not.

Let’s be real, the thought of turning our heating on right now is currently feeling a bit like this thanks to the latest energy cost hike making the average bill sit at an eye-watering £2500:

Putting your heating on for 20 mins in 2022 pic.twitter.com/oWVqXIoL0b

— 𝐋𝐞𝐰𝐢𝐬 🏴 (@lewisa95) September 26, 2022

My gas bill after turning the heating on for 24 minutes today pic.twitter.com/lUWnHqvwRW

— loveofhuns x (@loveofhuns) September 26, 2022

If I was a rich girl na na na

I’d turn on the heating

— ⓟⓞⓟⓢ (@Pops__o) September 27, 2022

Over on Twitter, some people have already caved and switched on their heating, despite it not being October yet (a sticking point for many who haven’t turned theirs on).

finally caved and put the heating on pic.twitter.com/LqoIO2D2cL

— dan hett (@danhett) September 30, 2022

I’m gonna turn on the heating for a few minutes pic.twitter.com/P3phZFC20S

— Swïndleees (@ChickenMezzala) September 30, 2022

While others are holding out for as long as they can:

Is anyone else playing I Will Not Switch The Heating On? I’m freezing. But…

— Maz Evans (@MaryAliceEvans) September 27, 2022

Bruv why does it feel illegal to turn on the heating?

— Rimedi (@r1medi) September 27, 2022

It’s even worse when you live with more than one person – and you all have different views of when the right time to turn the heating on is. For some households, the arguments have already started:

Might get my own Martin Lewis poster and everytime my wife attempts to be prolifergate with energy I'll just point to the poster.

"You wouldn't want to disappoint Martin now, would you?"

— Andy (@hayvek) September 30, 2022

literally in bed with my north face on cos my flatmate won’t let me put the heating on until it’s winter🥲

— h ☻ (@h3_m_my) September 28, 2022

We live in a draughty flat and we have a flatmate who is always cold. He constantly puts the heating on and causes arguments. It’ll be a tough winter.

— Leo Gibbons (@Layo_FH) September 14, 2022

Regardless of whether you’ve switched your heating on or are set to hold off for as long as possible, UK households should all submit a meter reading today (Friday September 30) before energy prices increase tomorrow on October 1.

If you don’t, your energy supplier will estimate your usage and you could end up with a bigger bill than you bargained for – fortunately we’ve got all the information on what you need to do, even if your provider’s website crashes.

Although the UK government has put a limit on the rates your supplier can charge you for gas and electricity from 1 October 2022 – meaning the typical household won’t usually pay more than £2,500 a year for gas and electricity – the figure is still 54% more than it was last year. Who can blame us for arguing over when to put the heating on?

Most importantly of all – you can get help if you’re struggling to afford your energy bills or top up your prepayment meter this winter.
