Rio Olympics 2016 Facilities Lying Abandoned After Just Seven Months

Multi-million pound buildings now derelict in the Brazilian city.

Last summer saw Team GB enjoy their best Olympics ever, with a whopping 26 gold, 24 silver and 16 bronze medals - but those heady days will seem a long time ago to anyone taking a walk through the Rio Olympic Park now.

Many of the most expensive facilities around the Brazilian sports centre are now at best abandoned and at worst, totally dilapidated.

Organisers promised the people of Brazil a lasting Olympic legacy - but the country remains in a deep economic and political crisis following the games.

The grand Paralympic ceremony held at the Maracana in Rio
The grand Paralympic ceremony held at the Maracana in Rio
Carlos Garcia Rawlins / Reuters

Critics believe the money spent on the games could have been better allocated to developing infrastructure in the country, where many still live in poverty.

These latest images from the Brazilian city’s Olympic Park and golf course just how badly the facilities have been allowed to decay, just seven months on from the Games...

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A view from the mostly abandoned Olympic Aquatics stadium at the Olympic Park.
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A volleyball net hangs forlornly on an abandoned court in the Olympic Park.
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The country remains in a deep economic and political crisis following the games.
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Dogs explore the Olympic Park but there are no signs of any human life.
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Water around the Rio Olympic park is severely polluted.
YASUYOSHI CHIBA via Getty Images
The area looks far busier back in 2016.
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Flooring torn up in the grounds of the Olympic Park.
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A general view of a children's soccer field and playground in the Olympic Park.
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An aerial view of a partially degraded Olympic Golf Course (above) next to vacant lots.
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Weeds grow in front of the Olympic Aquatics stadium.
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The practice pool in front of the Aquatics Stadium is particularly badly degraded.
YASUYOSHI CHIBA via Getty Images
The Aquatics Stadium ready for action in 2016.
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A security guard is the only sign of life in the Olympic Park.
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This area was thronging with crowds during the Rio 2016 games but now stands empty.
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The difference from seven months ago is marked in the Olympic Park.
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A doorway is blocked with a makeshift grate at the Olympic Aquatics stadium.
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The Olympic Aquatics stadium stands mostly abandoned at Olympic Park.
Buda Mendes via Getty Images
The Aquatics Centre looked a lot more impressive back in 2016.
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The area in front of the Aquatics Stadium is waterlogged after rainfall.
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The scenes are a far cry from the splendour of the 2016 Rio Olympics.
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An aerial view of a partially degraded Olympic Golf Course (R) next to vacant lots.
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The Olympic BMX track is in a sorry state.
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Remains of tennis facilities (LOWER R) stand in Olympic Park, surrounded by other signs of decay.
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The Olympic Park stands with polluted water along the shoreline.
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The park ready for action in July 2016.
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Aerial view of the remains of the tennis facilities (L) in the Olympic Park.
YASUYOSHI CHIBA via Getty Images
The tennis courts just before the 2016 games.
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The degraded Olympic Golf Course (above) next to vacant lots.
YASUYOSHI CHIBA via Getty Images
How the golf course looked ahead of the Games in 2016.
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The Olympic legacy doesn't seem to be alive and well in Rio.
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Team GB had their best ever Olympics at the Rio 2016 games.
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A man practices on the still-usable driving range at the Olympic Golf Course - but signs of decay are never far away.
Mario Tama via Getty Images
Seven months after the Rio hosted the first Olympic games in South America, many of the costly venue sites have been mostly abandoned in spite of promises from organisers that the games would provide a legacy benefit for the citizens of Brazil.
Mario Tama via Getty Images
Critics believe the money spent on the games could have been better spent on developing infrastructure in the country.
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There are no signs of regeneration around the Olympic facilities.
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The Olympic Park remains largely abandoned since the games.
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Pollution levels in the water around Rio were of serious concern in the run-up to the games.
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Last summer seems but a memory on the Olympic golf course.
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Steps remain in the mostly abandoned Olympic Park in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
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Gates remain in the mostly abandoned Olympic Park.
Mario Tama via Getty Images
Team GB's Justin Rose won a gold in golf at Rio.

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