Off the back of the success of The Traitors last year, Channel 4 launched its new reality show Rise And Fall on Sunday night.
Made by the same production company as the hit BBC series, Rise And Fall saw 16 members of the public – from all walks of life and age groups – begin the game as equals, but they soon found themselves either in a position of power as a “ruler”, or as part of the powerless as a “grafter”.
The grafters live in basic conditions in a basement while the rulers live in a penthouse.
The grafters work to complete a series of physically demanding games and challenges to build a cash prize fund only the rulers can win.
As the games began on Sunday night, Twitter had a lot of throughs...
The whole concept of the show reminded many people of Big Brother 3′s infamous Rich/Poor divide
Ali leaving after a day also put some in mind of another Big Brother moment...
Even though it was no secret the show was made by the same people as The Traitors, it still drew lots of comparisons...
There were also some more real-life comparisons drawn...
The hint of a romance between two contestants in episode one did not impress some...
The rules of the show weren’t exactly clear to everyone...
And there were some suggestions about how it could be improved...
Many were not here for the ending...
People were split as to whether they’d be tuning in again...
Rise And Fall continues weeknights at 10pm on Channel 4.