'Frankly Embarrassing': How Rishi Sunak's Local Radio Round Fell Flat

A listener asked: "Whatever happened to your promise of integrity, professionalism and accountability?"
Rishi Sunak had eight local radio interviews this morning.
Rishi Sunak had eight local radio interviews this morning.
WPA Pool via Getty Images

Rishi Sunak’s broadcast interviews with local journalists have done little to impress the nation this morning, with one listener calling his performance “frankly embarrassing”.

It’s tradition for prime ministers to embark on a media round with local news stations in England prior to the annual Conservative conference, which starts this Sunday in Manchester.

Last year, Sunak’s predecessor Liz Truss caused a stir after a series of car crash interviews over her disastrous mini-budget.

Speaking to York, West Midlands, Manchester, Shropshire, Tees, Three Counties, Cornwall and Berkshire radios, the prime minister faced tough questions about his latest policy decisions.

Here’s a look at some of the stand-out moments from this morning, and the response he received online.


The prime minister dodged questions on the much-delayed rail network and speculation the line from Birmingham to Manchester is being dropped.

He just told BBC Radio Manchester: “We already have spades in the ground [on the London to Birmingham leg] and we are getting on with it.”

Sunak started to talk about how the government was fixing potholes instead, suggesting that roads were more important to the public than rails.

The frustrated presenter, Anna Jameson, then pointed out: “We’re talking about trains, we’re not talking about cars.”

Frankly embarrassing...
One common theme is Rishi Sunak's deflection & tetchiness when he is put on the spot.

This isn't a MP who hasn't been briefed before coming to face the media. Sunak is the PM for heavens sake.. He knows. He makes the ultimate decision. Pathetic. https://t.co/9VvYPa5Jt7

— 𝔹𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕠 (@Billo20Four7) September 28, 2023

Rishi Sunak on Three Counties five minutes earlier "I am here to talk about the future, not the past". https://t.co/6iO2bcxyd1

— Chris Curtis (@chriscurtis94) September 28, 2023

Whatever happened to your promise of "integrity, professionalism and accountability" @RishiSunak ? https://t.co/ar8JipQA7y

— Conte Italiano Di Toscana #44🎶🇪🇺 🇮🇹 (@overwater001) September 28, 2023

Might seem like a silly question but are there actually “spades in the ground” on HS2, as Rishi Sunak claimed at least ten times this morning? Is it being dug by hand? That would explain a lot.

— Tom Peck (@tompeck) September 28, 2023

Listening to Rishi Sunak doing a series of local radio interviews and he keeps saying “we’re fixing potholes.” Since when has that been the responsibility of central government??

— John Stratford (@johnstratford) September 28, 2023

He’s never going to get through his conference IN MANCHESTER like this https://t.co/biNecuyKZo

— Angela Eagle DBE (@angelaeagle) September 28, 2023

Regional inequality

BBC Radio Shropshire plays a question from a member of public who suggests rural communities have been ignored by the government, claiming: “We always seem to be last for hospitals and public transport.”

Host Adam Green then asked the PM: “Have rural communities been left behind by 13 years of Conservative government? Buses, social care, poor broadband or access to healthcare are made worse because of rurality?”

Sunak just deflected to his net zero announcement last week which delayed the ban on new petrol and diesel cars.

BBC Radio Manchester also paid a viral clip from last year, where Sunak can be overheard telling Tunbridge Wells constituents that he had moved funding from deprived urban regions.

His only response was that he doesn’t want to “pit one region against another”, claiming: “I want to spread opportunity everywhere.”

Now BBC North Shropshire and Sunak is slammed by the presenter for letting down rural areas.

Follows him being slammed by Manchester over his comments in Tunbridge Wells.

— Jennifer-Anne Scott (@NifS) September 28, 2023

This is appalling.

Rishi Sunak said this terrible case is indefensible, but then blamed NHS staff.

He is the Prime Minister. When is he going to take some responsibility? pic.twitter.com/pPKCzI3g2o

— Wes Streeting MP (@wesstreeting) September 28, 2023

Child poverty

BBC Radio Tees’ Amy Oakden told Sunak how one in every five children in the north-east are growing up in poverty, and described it as a “grim indictment on 13 years of Conservative government”.

The PM just said that the government has made progress since 2010 when it came to poverty.

Rishi Sunak was on home turf for the Tees leg of his BBC radio round and was able to reel off stats about bits of investment in Stockton and Mboro@amy_oakden asked good question about North East's rising poverty rates which PM didn't properly answer

Truss calamity rating: 3/10 https://t.co/joMmekxKbK

— Rob Parsons (@RobParsonsNorth) September 28, 2023

Sunak’s general demeanour

Away from his responses to individual policies, the PM also came under fire for his attitude towards scrutiny...

He is going to be awful in the campaigning for the GE

— Phil Steart 🇺🇦 (@PhilipSteart) September 28, 2023

He always sounds so tetchy when someone tries to put him on the spot. The fact he keeps deviating from the question speaks volumes!

— Val Burgess (@theatresnob) September 28, 2023

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