Tory Fundraiser Sells Crystal-Encrusted Portrait Of Rishi Sunak For £25,000

Cost of living crisis? What cost of living crisis?
Rishi Sunak
Rishi Sunak
via Associated Press

A Swarovski crystal-encrusted portrait of Rishi Sunak has sold at a Tory party fund-raising auction for £25,000.

The picture, made by the London artist San B, was among the prized items auctioned off at the Conservative winter party at the glitzy Savoy hotel in London on Thursday.

The Guido Fawkes website reported other prizes included a shooting party at Warter Priory in Yorkshire, which went for £40,000, and a trip to watch the F1 Abu Dhabi grand prix, which went for £50,000.

Tortoise Media also reported four tickets to an Elton John concert went for £25,000 and “approaching” £1million was raised ahead of next year’s general election.

The Tories held their annual winter fundraiser at the Savoy last night.

A Swarovski crystal portrait of the PM and some Elton John tickets helped rebuild the war chest by nearly £1m.

But Sunak is facing a problem with donor drop off...

— Cat Neilan (@CatNeilan) February 24, 2023

The lavish spending comes as most Brits are financially stretched by a cost-of-living crisis fuelled by stubbornly-high inflation.

It follows environment Therese Coffey – who reportedly attended the event with Sunak and other cabinet ministers – suggested people struggling with food bills should “work some more hours”.

Coffey also said people should “cherish” seasonal vegetables such as turnips as the country faces a shortage of tomatoes and other fresh produce.

The reaction on Twitter has been ... as many would expect.

Here is a crystal-encrusted portrait of a man who is telling our nurses they need to have their pay dramatically cut this year.

The Conservative party have lost the plot.

— Chris Curtis (@chriscurtis94) February 24, 2023

Imagine going into someone's living room and that being on the wall. Terrifying vibes.

— Sam Freedman (@Samfr) February 24, 2023

This actually happened.

— Ned Boulting 🏳️⚧️ (@nedboulting) February 24, 2023

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