Rob Beckett Ends Up Leading Just Stop Oil Protest By Accident In Hilarious TikTok

"At one point, by accident, I was leading a protest through Whitehall. Different style to my Monday morning.”
Rob Beckett
Rob Beckett
Dave J Hogan via Getty Images

Rob Beckett has revealed how he ended up inadvertently leading a Just Stop Oil protest on Monday morning.

The comedian became an accidental activist while on his way to work after being swept up by the crowds in central London.

He even claimed he was interviewed by ITV News after they mistook him for a protester.

In a video he posted on TikTok, Rob explained that he was heading along Whitehall to record his voiceover for Celebs Go Dating when he was caught up in Just Stop Oil’s protests, which are taking place every day in October to demand action on climate change.

“So I was getting a taxi to work, right, I put my Crocs on because I was in a taxi and the VO booth for Celebs Go Dating, but some people have decided to glue themselves to the floor protesting and everything’s at a standstill,” he said.

After noticing Just Stop Oil’s name, he said: “Fuck sake. I was in an electric cab as well.”

He said in another clip recorded later on: “Well, that was an absolute disaster. I ended up being in the march, I was just by accident [in] the Just Stop Oil march and then ITV News ended up interviewing me and all the paparazzi started taking photos of me.

“I’ve got a tracksuit on and Crocs and then I was like, ‘I’m not in the march, I’m not in the march’, but I was in the march because I was with all the people. So then I got to the front and then they started filming me and it looked like I was leading the march.”

He added: “It’s gonna look mental, I hope it doesn’t go on the telly but at one point, by accident, I was leading a protest through Whitehall. Different style to my Monday morning.”

On Twitter, Rob also shared how his accidental appearance at the protest had made headlines.

Please can the itv journalist that filmed me accidentally leading the just stop oil march down Whitehall in my crocs send me the footage so I can put it on my tik tok. I’ve got a book to sell and TV show to promote and I think it will go viral.

— Rob Beckett (@robbeckettcomic) October 3, 2022

“This is not a one day event”: After a weekend of demonstrations Just Stop Oil take their climate protest to Westminster. The march caused traffic disruption in London - as well as brief appearance by TV comedian Rob Beckett - who was trying to get to work@RagsMartel reports

— ITV London (@itvlondon) October 3, 2022

Sharing a snap on Instagram Rob poked fun at himself, joking: “The Dad backpack, the police, Shaq t-shirt, holding my jumper like a nan, the protest, the police and crocs in sports mode. That’s how I lead a protest.”


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