Rochelle Humes Embraces Her Natural Hair To Inspire Daughter Who 'Doesn't Feel Like A Princess'

'Elsa and Rapunzel have long straight hair mummy.' ๐Ÿ‘‘

Rochelle Humes has revealed she decided to embrace her natural hair, after her four-year-old daughter said she โ€œdidnโ€™t look like a princessโ€.

The presenter, 28, who is mum to Alaia-Mai and nine-month-old Valentina with her husband Marvin Humes, explained that Alaia-Mai has been saying she doesnโ€™t like her curls.

At first, Humes didnโ€™t think it was a big deal, but she soon realised it was bothering her daughter more than she thought.

โ€œI asked her why she didnโ€™t like her curls,โ€ Humes shared on Instagram on 13 December.

โ€œIt broke my heart when she told me it was because she didnโ€™t look like a princess, and I quote: โ€˜I donโ€™t Mummy because Elsa and Rapunzel have long straight hairโ€™.โ€

Humes said it dawned on her that โ€œmaybe this issue started closer to homeโ€ as Alaia-Mai had only ever seen her mum with straight hair.

โ€œMoving forward into the New Year Iโ€™ve decided to finally embrace everything that makes me, ME,โ€ Humes wrote.

โ€œShe is already over the moon that we have โ€˜matching hairโ€™. My curls are a far cry from what they used to be but, Iโ€™m hoping with less heat and a little TLC they will come back to life.โ€

Humes added: โ€œSo this is for you Alaia-Mai, mummyโ€™s hair idol.โ€

Commenting on the photo, one person wrote: โ€œA really moving post. I am so glad you are doing this for your child and for you.โ€

Another person wrote: โ€œMy little girl is two and has only ever seen myself with straight hair as I used to hate having curly hair. Iโ€™m going to take a leaf out of your book as itโ€™s so important our babies embrace natural beauty.โ€

The mum-of-two shares snaps of family life on her Instagram account. She recently shared a photo of her four-year-oldโ€™s wet hair, writing: โ€œOn Sundays we sort our curls.

โ€œI often get lots of messages asking how I look after my little oneโ€™s hair, Iโ€™ll be sharing my tips very soon.โ€
