Roger Stone, a longtime ally of Donald Trump, told a documentary crew a day before the 2020 election that he was ready for violence.
“Fuck the voting, let’s get right to the violence,” he’s heard saying in footage obtained by CNN from filmmakers Christoffer Guldbrandsen and Frederik Marbell. “Shoot to kill. See an antifa? Shoot to kill. Fuck ’em. Done with this bullshit.”
Clips from the documentary, “A Storm Foretold,” are expected to be featured during this week’s hearing by the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 assault on the U.S. Capitol carried out by Trump supporters. The film is set for release later this year.
The Washington Post said Stone followed up his call to violence with an “only kidding.”
“We renounce violence completely,” he said. “We totally renounce violence. The left is the only ones who engage in violence.”
The filmmakers told CNN’s Don Lemon they found Stone’s backtracking insincere and said it was done with “more of a wink and a nod.”
Stone claimed to CNN that the footage had been “manipulated and selectively edited.”
Stone was been sentenced to 40 months in prison in 2020 for multiple felonies, including witness tampering, lying to Congress and obstruction, but was pardoned by Trump in December 2020.
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