The film is the first of a series of spin-offs from the main franchise, and a new teaser has revealed 'The Theory Of Everything' star Felicity Jones in her lead role as Jyn Erso.
It has also given a first look at what looks to be a Shadowtrooper, which is a black-armoured version of the traditional Stormtrooper, which appeared in the original 'Star Wars' films.
The Shadowtroopers have an army of fans following appearances in various spin-off media.
‘Rogue One’ will explore the characters and events beyond the core 'Star Wars' saga, with the action set between the events of 2005 prequel 'Revenge Of The Sith' and the first original 'Star Wars' film, 1977's 'A New Hope'.
Further details have been kept a closely-guarded secret, but it was previously announced that Ben Mendelsohn, Diego Luna, Mads Mikkelsen and Forest Whitaker also star in the film, and it has been directed by British director Gareth Edwards.
'Rogue One' is slated for release on 16 December 2016.