Twitter Users Notice Something Weird In Resurfaced Ron DeSantis Beach Pic

A campaign photo from 2015 is making waves because of one bizarre little detail.

A resurfaced Ron DeSantis campaign photo from 2015 is making waves because of a bizarre detail.

The photo from his Senate campaign has a beach setting and features a quote from DeSantis’ wife, Casey, in which she calls him “a man of integrity and honour.”

However, eagle-eyed people managed to find the original photo from a Flickr account called “DeSantis for Senate” and noticed something weird about it: Neither DeSantis nor his wife left footprints in the sand.

Ron DeSantis doesn't leave footprints in this 2015 campaign photo.
Ron DeSantis doesn't leave footprints in this 2015 campaign photo.
Ron DeSantis via Flickr

Many people noticed the lack of sand prints and thoroughly mocked DeSantis.

“Yeah, but can your candidate walk on the beach while leaving zero footprints behind?”

— PatriotTakes 🇺🇸 (@patriottakes) June 28, 2023

Pic of the imposters Ron and Casey DeSantis, taken with a fake backdrop

No footprints 🤔 Right foot “cocked”

W the beautiful beaches in Florida, are they afraid of the red tide or flesh eating bacteria seaweed or toxic algae ?

Or is it bc neither have a lick of authenticity?

— CathyNotToday2 (@Cathy2NotToday) June 29, 2023

The bottom half of the desantis beach pic looks like he’s holding an upside down beach umbrella

— Carey O'Donnell (@ecareyo) June 29, 2023

Oh dear, here's man of integrity, meatball Ron standing with his wife in a studio in front of a beach poster. Ron is so unwoke that he doesn't leave footprints. Literally.

— Defeat DeSantis (@_DefeatDesantis) June 29, 2023

I didn’t know it was possible to make a beach photo shoot creepy, but Ron DeSantis managed to do it. Is anything real about this man?

— Leah McElrath (@leahmcelrath) June 29, 2023

Others “improved” the photo with their own photoshop choices.

“Yeah, but can your candidate walk on the beach while leaving zero footprints behind?”

— PatriotTakes 🇺🇸 (@patriottakes) June 28, 2023

I like my version better

— Mark Strauss (@MarkDStrauss) June 28, 2023

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