Sarah Thomas Becomes First Person To Swim Across The Channel Four Times Non-Stop In 54-Hour Feat

The 37-year-old, who completed treatment for an aggressive form of breast cancer last year, covered almost 134 miles.

An American woman has become the first person to ever swim across the English Channel four times without stopping.

Open water marathon swimmer Sarah Thomas completed the challenge on Monday morning after more than 54 hours of swimming.

While the swim was due to be 80 miles, the 37-year-old ended up swimming almost 134 miles due to strong currents, according to her tracker.

The feat comes just a year after Thomas completed treatment for an aggressive form of breast cancer, having been diagnosed in November 2017.

Bloody hell. Sarah Thomas has done it. The first person ever to complete a four-way solo swim of the Channel. Astonishing.

— Simon Nixon (@Simon_Nixon) September 17, 2019

Ahead of the challenge, Thomas dedicated the swim “to all the survivors out there”.

“This is for those of you just starting your cancer journey and those of you who are thriving with cancer kicked firmly into the past, and for everyone in between,” she wrote on Facebook.

“I’m holding you all in my heart and swimming for our health and futures. We are stronger together, each and every one of us.”

Endurance swimmer Lewis Pugh called Thomas an “extraordinary, amazing, super-human”.

Extraordinary, amazing, super-human!!! Just when we think we’ve reached the limit of human endurance, someone shatters the records. Huge congratulations to Sarah Thomas on swimming the English Channel 4x continuously!!! 🏴🏊♀️🇫🇷 🏊♀️🏴🏊♀️🇫🇷🏊♀️🏴

— Lewis Pugh (@LewisPugh) September 17, 2019

“Just when we think we’ve reached the limit of human endurance, someone shatters the records,” he wrote on Twitter.

“Huge congratulations to Sarah Thomas on swimming the English Channel 4x continuously!”

Speaking after the swim, Thomas told the BBC: “I just can’t believe we did it.”

“My crew was really great about helping me out and keeping me strong.”

“Every length had something that was really hard about it. Coming back from France the last time was definitely hard. It took forever and the current pushed me all over.


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