School Apologises For Posting Photo Of NSFW Reindeer Christmas Jumper On E-Newsletter

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A primary school has apologised for accidentally publishing a NSFW picture of reindeer in its newsletter.

Hyde Park Junior School sent the letter to pupils and parents to urge kids to take part in Christmas jumper day for charity.

But they accidentally illustrated the call out with a jumper featuring a saucy festive pattern of four reindeer mating.

Headteacher Tina Jackson admitted the blunder and said: β€œUnfortunately we didn’t look closely enough at the picture we used to show our support for β€˜Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Friday’.

β€œWe’re sorry if it has offended anyone and hope it doesn’t spoil our good intention of encouraging pupils to support a very worthy cause.”


The school in Plymouth, Devon, has now removed the newsletter from its website after it went up on Monday 11 December.

One parent complained to the school about the reindeer picture and said she was furious that children were exposed to it.

The mum, who asked not to be named, said: β€œWe are appalled that something has come out like this that is sexually inappropriate for children.

β€œWe feel something sexually graphic should not be on a newsletter that goes to children. I contacted the school and it got taken off the website.

β€œMistakes happen and I appreciate schools are busy places but child protection is vital.

β€œSome may see it as a joke, but there are a lot of parents who are irritated and angry about it.”


But Mark Tyrrell wrote on Facebook he was surprised anyone took offence.

He wrote: β€œCrikey, obviously kids have been to the zoo and seen animals mounting each other?

β€œOr has mummy or daddy even taken them out for the day in the country, whereas cows and a bull are sometimes seen to mount on top of another?

β€œIf anyone owns a dog, I am sure they’ve had a laugh of watching it trying to mate another dog -or even a furry coat!”

His top had a Santa urinating the words: β€œMerry Christmas” in a wee-yellow font which was only spotted by a shocked teacher.
