Twitter Users Can't Believe This GOP Senator's Speech Props Aren't Photoshopped

"Um..... did Mike Lee just meme himself?"

Twitter users poked fun at Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) for turning himself into a meme as he railed against the Green New Deal on the Senate floor on Tuesday.

Lee used a series of strange pictures ― including one which showed former President Ronald Reagan astride a velociraptor ― to attack the congressional resolution that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) introduclast month.

Ocasio-Cortez fired back to say that “if this guy can be Senator, you can do anything.”

Like many other women + working people, I occasionally suffer from impostor syndrome: those small moments, especially on hard days, where you wonder if the haters are right.

But then they do things like this to clear it right up.

If this guy can be Senator, you can do anything.

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) March 26, 2019

Other critics across Twitter, meanwhile, showed surprise that the footage and photographs of Lee had not been edited:

Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) is on the Senate floor right now discussing @AOC and @SenMarkey's Green New Deal.

These are not photoshopped.

— Waleed Shahid (@_waleedshahid) March 26, 2019

If Sen. Lee want to be a meme THIS BAD I say let's give the man what he wants.

— Pessimus Prime (@PETEKEELEY) March 26, 2019

Um.....did Mike Lee just meme himself?

— Winkle the BernieBro 🌹 (@the_bernie_bro) March 26, 2019

America's worst art critic? We have a winner: Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT):

— Christopher Knight (@KnightLAT) March 26, 2019

Has every Republican in the United States lost their damn minds? Rhetorical question.

— Crooks and Liars (@crooksandliars) March 26, 2019

1) Don't use the geeky things I love as props in your ignorance.

2) Mike Lee's solution is "Make more babies". Because they'll save us from the devastation of climate change.

Also, you don't need to "fall in love, get marrried" to make babies, Mike. Do you even science?

— Geek "I have nothing to prove to you."Girl Diva (@geekgirldiva) March 26, 2019

Mike Lee says the solution to climate change (which is caused by humans) is to make more humans.

Much like the solution to traffic is more cars.

— Steve Hofstetter (@SteveHofstetter) March 26, 2019

Here is part of Sen. Mike Lee's floor speech on the #GreenNewDeal

Literally taking about Sharknado as it relates to climate change. Can't make this stuff up...

— Martín Herdoíza (@MartinHerdoiza) March 26, 2019

Mike Lee, having a normal one

— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) March 26, 2019

wait so these mike lee stills aren’t photoshopped?

— b-boy bouiebaisse (@jbouie) March 26, 2019

This is a real picture that was really showed on the Senate floor as part of Senator Mike Lee's speech against the #GreenNewDeal. We'd laugh if we weren't face-palming so hard.

— Sierra Club (@SierraClub) March 26, 2019

D.C's hottest club is "Mike Lee"
Located on the Senate floor
It has everything...
Machine Guns
Ronald Reagan
Rocket Launchers
and a

— Emily Brandwin (@CIAspygirl) March 26, 2019

This show has really jumped the velociraptor.

— Anna Rothschild (@Anna_Rothschild) March 26, 2019

People like Mike Lee say ridiculous stuff on C-SPAN so that it will distract you with outrage from the real news: The Green New Deal is the most practical, humane, cost-effective way of tackling climate change yet presented and the Republicans have no serious answer to it.

— Eric Holthaus (@EricHolthaus) March 26, 2019

Why it’s almost as if these republicans don’t understand science.

— Molly Jong-Fast (@MollyJongFast) March 26, 2019

Repeat after me: Republicans have no climate plan.

— Rebecca Leber (@rebleber) March 26, 2019

Mike Lee used a picture of Ronald Reagan riding a velociraptor to protest the #GreenNewDeal

I’m not sure how anyone takes this country

— Frederick Joseph (@FredTJoseph) March 26, 2019

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