Should Kids Be Invited To Weddings? Families Still Can't Agree On The Guest List Rules

Are parents entitled to be offended if their kids don't get an invite?

Anyone who’s had to organise and pay for a wedding knows that every extra guest is another dent in your budget. But can you afford to be choosy about which members of your family you do and don’t invite?

A mum has taken to Mumsnet to ask if she’s being unreasonable for feeling upset that her brother has uninvited her kids, aged 10, from his wedding, even though they’d originally made the guest list.

The groom has no children of his own and the mum says there aren’t any other children in the immediate family – so the NFI (not formally invited) does feel personal.

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“I know it’s their wedding, they can invite who they like, but I feel really sad that my kids will miss the wedding of the uncle they idolise and they will be so disappointed that they now can’t come,” she writes in the post.

It’s the kids’ first wedding invite, she adds, before asking other parents whether they’d be upset – or just accept the decision had been made. Many parents responded that the behaviour was unfair.

“It’s shit of them to invite them, then un-invite them,” writes one. “Tell your brother he has to explain it to them himself.” Another says: “Uninviting them is just shockingly rude. I don’t know anyone who has had a child-free wedding if they had close children (e.g. nephews, nieces) in the family. Horrible to exclude close family members because they happen to be under the age of 18.”

Another writes: “I really wouldn’t go. It’s not just you, it’s unbelievably shit of your brother to treat your children like that. You wouldn’t do that to an adult so don’t do it to a child. So money comes before people. Tell him to shove his wedding.”

Other parents were more sympathetic to the bride and groom, writing: “It’s disappointing but I think your brother and his fiancée are under a huge amount of stress so I think you should try to be understanding about the whole thing.”

When we asked HuffPost UK readers, they mixed responses to the conundrum. Some felt that wedding guests should respect the decision of the bride and groom – whatever they choose to do.

This is always a tough one! And I have seen it cause so many issues before! At the end of the day the bride and groom should be able to decide what THEY want on their big day, I think people should respect that 💕

— Katie (@MyBestMake1) March 19, 2019

Absolutely. I always think it’s a privilege to be invited to share in a couple’s special day whatever the nature of the invitation. I respect their choices and try to manage childcare if Bea is not invited. I hope that they respect mine if sharing their day is not then possible.

— Gayle Carrington (@GayleCarrington) March 19, 2019

It's 100% okay in my opinion (and I have a child). A wedding is the couple's special day and it should be up to them who they do and don't invite. Personally, I wouldn't want my toddler at a wedding and I don't think he'd want to go to one either

— Kirsty👀 (@KirstyBurrage) March 19, 2019

Others felt weddings without kids were better, anyway.

I never take my kids to weddings even if they are invited. Weddings are some much needed adult time.

— Daily Deals UK (@dailydeals_blog) March 19, 2019

But some acknowledged the family drama it can cause.

Bride & groom should invite whoever they want, but can’t expect people with kids to accommodate themselves to their requirements (“come to the wedding, leave your kids with a babysitter/at the hotel”).
This actually happened in my family, and they never spoke again #journorequest

— Prof. Bananas (@gandama2uco) March 19, 2019

What do you think? Let us know by getting involved in the conversation on Twitter.
