With sales of the sparkling wine growing 80% in the last five years, HM Revenue and Customs has estimated that 31.6 million gallons of Prosecco and cava will be sold in 2016.
We think we’re gonna need a bigger glass.

Cindy Loughridge via Getty Images
So in honour of our collective love for prosecco, here are all the signs you might have a slight obsession with the Italian fizz.
1. Your day was ruined when you heard there was a potential Prosecco shortage.
2. Although you did worry that you were single handedly responsible for the crisis.
3. You have special glasses ONLY for Prosecco drinking.
4. You buy novelty Prosecco items for your home.
6. You would fly to New York just to taste this Prosecco Pop drink.
7. When people say there are drinks better than Prosecco and you just laugh.
8. You know Prosecco is the perfect accompaniment to pizza and Netflix.
9. And no one needs to ask what you want at the pub.
10. If it’s a special occasion you might branch out and have a Bellini.
11. Frankly you don’t know how you coped before 2009 when Prosecco was introduced to the world.
12. Finding out the prosecco crisis was over was the best news of this year.
Please drink responsibly. For the facts, visit drinkaware.co.uk.