Early Pregnancy Signs (Other Than A Missed Period)

It's probably time to buy a test.

Your body will slowly but surely start to change if you’re pregnant, and there may be a few signs you notice before you even think about taking a test.

Although every woman is different, a late period is often the first clear sign. But light vaginal bleeding (spotting) is relatively common during the first three months of pregnancy, so even this can be possible to miss.

If you think you might be pregnant, your best bet is to buy a test and find out for sure. But if you’re frantically Googling in your bathroom (we’ve all been there...), we’ve rounded up the symptoms it’s worth being aware of.

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Most women also have other early signs of being pregnant, in addition to their periods stopping, according to the NCT. These include:

Morning sickness
Feeling nauseous or actually vomiting is very common in early pregnancy. Despite being colloquially known as “morning sickness” it can occur at any time of the day, so don’t discount evening sickness as food poisoning. The good news is it usually stops by weeks 16-20 of your pregnancy. Severe pregnancy sickness is called hyperemesis gravidarum and you should speak to your GP or midwife if you think you might be affected.

Changes in your breasts
Hormones will start to prepare your body for breastfeeding if you’re pregnant. You may notice tenderness, a tingling sensation and that they feel larger than usual. Some women also find their nipples appear darker and seem to stand out more than usual.

Changes to your toilet habits
It’s likely you’ll feel the urge to urinate more frequently if you’re pregnant. This tends to kick in within the first few weeks, and often continues for the whole nine months (joy). Constipation is also likely.

A metallic taste in your mouth
This one may sound usual, but it’s actually quite common, according to the NCT. “You may also notice smells and tastes more strongly, as well as developing an aversion for foods you used to like, or equally, start enjoying foods you used to dislike,” the site explains, adding that there’s no formal explanation.

Other symptoms can include tiredness, a change in vaginal discharge and mood swings.

If you think you’re pregnant, the NHS advises seeing a healthcare professional as soon as possible, even if you haven’t taken a pregnancy test yet.

You can buy a pregnancy test in the majority of pharmacies or supermarkets and the following places provide them for free:
