Sky Apologises For Letting 72-Year-Old Alzheimer's Sufferer Pay £110 A Month For TV

Niece raised concern about consumer protection for vulnerable people.

Media giant Sky has apoligised after letting an elderly Alzheimer’s sufferer pay more than £100 a month for his TV package.

His niece, Rachel Holdsworth, took to Twitter to express astonishment that her 72-year-old uncle, Rodney, had a hefty monthly bill of £110 since he was living in a council house on a basic state pension.

Her uncle is a former cloth cutter in a clothing factory, and lives in Leeds some distance from the majority of his family. On Monday, Holdsworth explained on social media she had just got hold of his bank statement.

Yo, @SkyHelpTeam, what kind of package would someone have to have to be paying you £110 a month?

— Rachel Holdsworth (@rmholdsworth) August 28, 2017

Dear Sky, I'm serious. My uncle has Alzheimers, no computer/mobile, but is paying £110 a month. WHAT could that be for?

— Rachel Holdsworth (@rmholdsworth) August 28, 2017

Update on @SkyHelpTeam and my Alzheimers uncle: my uncle has been a vulnerable adult, if not officially, for a long time.

— Rachel Holdsworth (@rmholdsworth) August 28, 2017

my vulnerable uncle paying £110 a month to @SkyHelpTeam. He's on a basic pension. He can't afford this shit.

— Rachel Holdsworth (@rmholdsworth) August 28, 2017

Holdsworth, an editor based in London, revealed her uncle was paying for other expensive services as well.

This included a gas boiler servicing contract which was unnecessary since he was already covered as he was living in a council house.

A private dental insurance plan, despite being a pensioner.

— Rachel Holdsworth (@rmholdsworth) August 28, 2017

An insurance plan for Sky equipment AND paying £35/month to an appliance rental company, we assume for his TV.

— Rachel Holdsworth (@rmholdsworth) August 28, 2017

Oh, & he's paying £120/month for energy. Basically if you know an old person, help them with their finances because they're probably fucked.

— Rachel Holdsworth (@rmholdsworth) August 28, 2017

A day later, she wrote Sky’s ‘accessibility team’ said they were unable to help without his password, which Holdsworth’s uncle could not recall.

Further Sky update: rang the accessibility team. Without the password they can't do anything (can't even stop future sales calls).

— Rachel Holdsworth (@rmholdsworth) August 29, 2017

Hours later, she revealed Sky had agreed to halve his monthly bill.

RESOLUTION (partial): Sky have halved my Uncle's bill. Still need to sort out all the other stuff.

— Rachel Holdsworth (@rmholdsworth) August 29, 2017

Holdsworth assumed her uncle was paying for broadband but Sky told her that the bill was just for TV channels.

She told Yahoo News: “I was just astonished, I thought what package could he possibly be taking to pay £110 a month. But it was just TV packages and line rental.

“Basically, it was a legacy issue, he was taking about four or five different packages.

“He has been a customer of Sky for something like 30 years and it was just a bunch of legacy channels.”

She told Radio 5 Live that her uncle was a “trusting soul”, and suspects he had agreed to various packages when a telephone salesperson suggested the service would be a good idea. She also thinks he is being charged ‘legacy’ tariffs on other services after never switching.

She said many people on Twitter had told her they had experienced similar problems when elderly family members were being charged for services they could not afford: ″After I’d spoken to Sky’s accessibility team, and said there was nothing we could do, it got picked up. A lot of people started tweeting at Sky saying this is a disgrace, surely there’s something that can be done.

“As it’s turned out, we got a phone call from Sky’s executive team and they have now managed to halve his bill. Whether that would have happened without the outcry I don’t know. But it does make me think who else is this happening to and aren’t being helped by the amplifying voice of Twitter?”

Speaking to BuzzFeed News, she urged companies to establish an “automatic review system” to ensure contracts were affordable.

A Sky spokesperson: “We’re sorry for the inconvenience Mrs Holdsworth experienced trying to access her uncle’s account details. We’ve been in touch with Mrs Holdsworth and will work with her to ensure her uncle is on the best package for his needs.”


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