Jeremy Hunt was back in the news on Monday following his comments ahead of the Boris Johnson vote of no confidence – and it didn’t take long for there to be a slip-up involving his oft-mispronounced surname.
During a live broadcast on Sky News on Monday evening, anchor Sophy Ridge discussed some of the “significant figures” in the ongoing story about Johnson’s leadership potentially coming under threat.
However, when it came to naming the MP and former health secretary, Sophy ended up getting a little tongue-tied and inadvertently dropped a C-bomb in the middle of her broadcast.
The presenter herself didn’t even bat an eye at the gaffe, apparently not even noticing her mistake – but that didn’t mean that people on Twitter didn’t either...
Of course, Sophy is far from the first broadcaster to butcher Hunt’s surname, as this montage proves:
Back in 2019, BBC broadcaster Victoria Derbyshire made the same mistake, and was swift to apologise to her viewers.
“I’m so sorry, Jeremy Hunt,” she corrected herself, before quickly adding: “I’ve never said that before in my life. It’s usually men who say that, so I really really want to apologise, I’m sorry.”
Reflecting on the gaffe during an appearance on I’m A Celebrity last year, Victoria admitted: “It was excruciating, it was awful, I buried my head in my hands.”
Hunt previously made headlines on Monday when he revealed that he would be voting against Johnson, tweeting: “Today’s decision is change or lose. I will be voting for change.”
In the end, Johnson won the vote, although a total of 148 Tory MPs were against him.