Stoptober: Smoking Rates Across England Are Lowest On Record, Say Health Officials

Will you be making a pledge to quit this year?

The amount of people who smoke in England is now the lowest on record, new figures from Public Health England (PHE) suggest.

The report found that 16.9% of the population in England are smokers and there are now twice as many ex-smokers in the country (14.6 million people), than current smokers (7.2 million).

The figures have been released to coincide with the launch of ‘Stoptober’ - the annual campaign to encourage the public to quit smoking.

Last year, out of the 2.5 million smokers who made a quit attempt, 500,000 people (20%) were successful.

Robert Herhold via Getty Images

PHE also released regional figures on areas that have seen the biggest decreases in smoking rates over the last four years.

Smoking rates in the South West have fallen from 18.7% to 15.5%, in the North East the percentage of smokers has fallen from 22% to 18.7% and in Yorkshire and Humber the number of smokers dipped from 21.9% to 18.6%.

Professor Kevin Fenton, national director of health and wellbeing at PHE, told PA: “While it is amazing that there are over twice as many ex-smokers as current smokers in England, there are still over seven million people regularly lighting up.

“Alongside unhealthy diet, smoking is the biggest cause of preventable early death in England, accounting for over 78,000 deaths a year. Quitters will soon see they have reduced blood pressure, easier breathing and better circulation. Stopping smoking is the best thing a smoker can do to improve their health.”

The Government’s deputy chief medical officer, Dr Gina Radford, added: “While we know that quitting smoking is not easy, this Stoptober is a perfect time to try again.

“We have a range of free support that can go direct to your phone, laptop or tablet via the Stoptober app, a daily email service or Facebook Messenger bot. The new Stoptober website also has advice and information on stop-smoking services and quitting aids.”

Strictly Come Dancing judge Craig Revel Horwood and former cricketer Phil Tufnell are among the celebrities taking part in the 2016 Stoptober challenge.

Revel Horwood said: “As a performer, I know the sense of satisfaction that comes in that final moment of completion after days and weeks of commitment and dedication, and together with the Stoptober support tools, it’s this taste of success which will help to keep me going in my quit-smoking attempt this October.

“In moments of weakness, just like I will be doing, I’d recommend quitters turn to the proven Stoptober support; from daily email alerts through to a dedicated app, Stoptober can help. Good luck darlings, we can do it.”

Tufnell, added: “I have smoked pretty steadily since I was a teenager, even through my cricket career. I have tried to give up before and know how tough it is, but I am going to try and quit again from 1 October.

“Even if you have tried quitting before like me and failed, just give it another go and keep trying. The more you try to quit the more likely you are to get there. Stoptober is here to help, so let’s try and get through to 28 days without a fag by taking it one day at a time.”

Penny Woods, chief executive of the British Lung Foundation, is pleased to hear people are signing up to Stoptober again this year.

“We know that smoking is the number one cause of preventable early death, and that if you have a lung condition like COPD it is often the single most important thing you can do to turn your health around,” she said.

“On top of this human cost, smoking has been estimated to cost the economy over £10 billion a year. We therefore support public health campaigns like Stoptober that motivate and support people to quit.”

Before You Go
