So THAT'S Why Some People Have To Pee All The Time

So THAT'S Why Some People Have To Pee All The Time
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It may strike at the movies. It may come in the car. Regardless of where the sudden urge to pee approaches, it's always annoying.

Of course, we know that drinking lots of water can make us have to hit the restroom. But it turns out a number of other everyday triggers, from eating tomato sauce to fearing a hard talk at work,may increase pee production in some folks.

What irritates one person's bladder may not be a problem for another, Inderbir Gill, a professor and chairman at the University of Southern California's Department of Urology, told The Huffington Post. And doctors still aren't exactly sure why some foods and activities cause the need to pee more than others.

Of course, if you experience a sudden increase in pee urgency, you might have a urinary tract or bladder infection. When the need to pee is accompanied by pain, a burning sensation or cloudy and odorous urine, it's time to see a doctor.

But if you happen to notice you pee more than the average person, even just some of the time, you might consider these little-known but common triggers:

1. Nerves

Stress and anxiety may cause an override of regulatory brain signals, resulting in the sudden urge to go.

2. Acidic Food

Citrus fruits and juices can cause bladder irritation for some people, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Tomato products like pasta sauce may do the same.

3. Alcohol And Caffeine

Dulled nerves, as well as the obvious fluid intake, can be the culprit here. Gill says some people are especially triggered to pee by red wine, while beer or coffee may do it for others.

4. Medication

Some medicines ― especially ones for high blood pressure ― will increase the the urge to go thanks to a diuretic side effect of certain drugs.

5. Spicy Food

For some people, spicy food irritates the bladder much in the same way acidic food does, the Cleveland Clinic reported.

Singular episodes of urgent urination are nothing to worry about, Gill says. But if your pee frequency changes dramatically and lasts for weeks or months, then it's time to get it checked out. Urges that disrupt your life could signal a serious problem, like a bladder infection or diabetes.

"If you have a frequent need and it's consistent over time, you should see a doctor, because something is going on," he said. "If it bothers you, reach out."

And some of us will simply reach for the toilet paper.


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