Social Media Reacts To Obama's 'Size' Joke About Trump

Obama's hand gesture while lambasting his successor at the Democratic National Convention went viral.
Barack Obama makes a crowd size joke about Donald Trump at the 2024 Democratic National Convention
Barack Obama makes a crowd size joke about Donald Trump at the 2024 Democratic National Convention

Former President Barack Obama’s brutal slam about Donald Trump’s obsession with crowd sizes during the Democratic National Convention was the joke heard ’round the world.

“Here is a 78-year-old billionaire who has not stopped whining about his problems since he rode down his golden escalator nine years ago,” Obama said of the former president in his speech Tuesday night, before pointing to Trump trademarks such as ”childish nicknames” and “the crazy conspiracy theories.”

But it’s the moment when Obama also referenced Trump’s “weird obsession with crowd sizes,” and stretched his hands to suggest length is Trump’s real concern, that people really responded to.

Some were incredulous.

I cannot believe this moment happened…

— Yashar Ali 🐘 (@yashar) August 21, 2024

Obama making a dick joke about Trump wasn’t on my 2024 bingo card lmao

— RPG Enjoyer 🐉 (@BasedRPG) August 21, 2024

Others were impressed with Obama’s comedic skills.

Ok this is a perfect comedic delivery.

— Jason Kander (@JasonKander) August 21, 2024

The joke quickly went viral, though there was some debate over whether Obama actually was joking about Trump’s physical attributes, his obsession with crowd sizes, or his trademark use of “accordion hands” when he tells a story.

While making a Dick joke, Obama also mocked trump’s patented accordion playing. Now Every time trump plays the the accordion everyone remembers the Dick joke.

— (@RevBug) August 21, 2024

Uh, uh... I'm aware I'm a degenerate and may misread things as such, but err... did Obama just use his hands to gesture that Trump has a tiny dick while mocking him for being obsessed with crowd size? Cause uh, I'm writing that into the historical record regardless.

— 🔥Reverend Aiden (@SweetFnLucifer) August 21, 2024

Every time Trump does *accordion hands* from now on, which is always, the audience will associate it with this Obama joke. It was brilliant.

— Suz Bee (@SuzBee599785) August 21, 2024

However, “dick joke” was the trending term on X, formerly Twitter, over “crowd size joke” or “accordion joke.”

Still, some people had questions, like how long Obama practiced the hand gesture.

I need to know how much did he rehearse that in front of the bathroom mirror.

— Carlos A. Sainz Caccia 🇵🇸 (@sainzcaccia) August 21, 2024

Many people ― especially those in the mainstream media ― seem to clutch their pearls over the bit.

Obama actually framed the need for grace in a really powerful way, and dedicated 5-10 minutes of his speech to bridging divides. But he couldn’t help but make a dick joke so that’s all we’re gonna hear about for 24 hours.

— Isaac Saul (@Ike_Saul) August 21, 2024

Smh@jaketapper is such a fucking giant man baby

Love how Anderson yeeted him the fuck off the air when he tried to bait him into a cryfest over the Obama dick joke

— T. Fisher King (@T_FisherKing) August 21, 2024


— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) August 21, 2024

The NY Post. 🥴

— Hoodlum 🇺🇸 (@NotHoodlum) August 21, 2024

Obama lambasting Trump for how childish he is, and literally not even one sentence later makes a dick joke. You can't write this stuff.

— Jordan (@therealjomjohns) August 21, 2024

War criminal Obama made a small-dick joke about Trump during his DNC speech on the national stage—while most Americans are suffering/struggling—and the cultist Blue Maga crowd is gleefully celebrating it like he’s some hero.

What fucking world are we in?

— Kamala Harris is a Genocidal Cop (@joleekirk) August 21, 2024

Others suggested fair is fair considering how Trump promoted the false birther conspiracy against Obama.

Barack did a dick joke on live TV at the #DNC2024CHICAGO.

The Obamas truly give 0 F's.

And you know what? Good for them. Trump promoted the racist birther conspiracy, Republicans ran with it, and forced Obama to produce his birth certificate.

Let them humiliate Donald.

— Wajahat Ali (@WajahatAli) August 21, 2024

One person noted that Trump’s political career reportedly began in earnest after Obama brutally roasted him at the 2011 White House Correspondents’ Dinner, and thought Tuesday’s speech was a fitting bookend.

“Remember, it was Obama gently ribbing Trump at the correspondents dinner that started all this. Now a dick joke might finish it,” one X user wrote.

remember, it was Obama gently ribbing Trump at the correspondents dinner that started all this. Now a dick joke might finish it.

— Cooper S. Beckett (@CooperSBeckett) August 21, 2024

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