#speaklikemay Sees Theresa May's Sophy Ridge On Sunday Interview Mocked

'A masterclass in saying lots of words while saying absolutely nothing whatsoever.'

Theresa May has appeared on the first episode of Sophy Ridge on Sunday to discuss, amongst other things, her plans for Brexit.

While the Prime Minister delivered a lot of words, a number of commentators suggested they were somewhat lacking in substance.

Theresa May is currently delivering a masterclass in saying lots of words while saying absolutely nothing whatsoever #Ridge

— Owen Jones (@OwenJones84) January 8, 2017

Government line is we are leaving the single market. Said on record by ministers... weird why she won't just say it. https://t.co/rEFPKd4pLU https://t.co/xWfKzOfOeM

— Harry Cole (@MrHarryCole) January 8, 2017

The interview prompted the hashtag #SpeakLikeMay, showcasing some other potential lines May could use to cover a wide range of policies.

Domestic Security

Did you lock the front door? “ I’m convinced that locking the front door is the only way to prevent it from being opened.” #SpeakLikeMay

— LeicaLout (@wyeipad) January 8, 2017


"Can you put the kettle on?" "Look, I believe that hot water is a vital part of any hot drink, and I have a plan in place." #speaklikemay

— MATHEW GABЯIEL (@mpgabster) January 8, 2017


"Are you really sick?" "Look, sickness means sickness and I'm going to make an illness of it. We'll set out the symptoms soon" #speaklikeMay

— Siddo Dwyer (@Siddo_D) January 8, 2017

Animal Welfare

"Owen, you fed the cat?" "Look, I firmly believe good nutrition is critical, both for a cat's health, and a cat's well-being" #speaklikemay

— Owen Jones (@OwenJones84) January 8, 2017

Refuse Collection

"Taken out rubbish?" "Look, a clean house is part of my longterm, cleanliness agenda. In time, it'll benefit the whole family" #speaklikeMay

— Siddo Dwyer (@Siddo_D) January 8, 2017


I'm gonna learn from May. "Owen, you done the dishes?" "Look it's important dishes are clean and that we have the right washing up liquid."

— Owen Jones (@OwenJones84) January 8, 2017

Sanitation (Again)

'Have you put a wash on?'
' Look. I've said before that washing machines are essential for stain removal and I stand by that' #speaklikemay

— caro (@falsemonica) January 8, 2017


'Fancy a cuppa?' 'Look, I firmly believe the mug as a liquid container is an essential element to the process' #speaklikemay

— Alice Corner (@blerhgh) January 8, 2017


"Is that a wig?"
"Hard-working people know the value of hair cover. Plans put in place to ensure that are well under way." #SpeaklikeMay

— Daniel Thomas OBE (@dapperfox) January 8, 2017


"Have you filed that piece yet?" I file pieces all the time. I've filed before and I will file again. I have a plan to file. #SpeaklikeMay

— Laura Means Laura!☀️ (@MissLauraMarcus) January 8, 2017


@OwenJones84 Leon, did you change baby's nappy? Look, nappy changes are of fundamental importance. Baby shit means baby shit. #speaklikemay

— Leon B (@LeonBetsworth) January 8, 2017


Have you played football? Look, I firmly believe that a football is an essential piece of kit to play football. #SpeakLikeMay

— arembooks (@arembooks) January 8, 2017

And erm... Farting

"Did you fart?" Farting is an important element in creating a stinky room. I have been in stinky rooms. With a plan. #speaklikemay

— Ray Blake (@RayBlake) January 8, 2017

May refused to confirm the UK is set to leave the Single Market, despite once again vowing to take back control of immigration policy in any Brexit negotiation.

Speaking on Sky News’ Sophy Ridge on Sunday, the Prime Minister reiterated her view that outside of the EU the UK would be able to “set our own rules” on immigration.

May appeared confident that the UK could enjoy tariff free access to the Single Market as well as regaining control of immigration policy as part of a Brexit deal with the EU.

However, European leaders, including Germany’s Angela Merkel, have repeatedly insisted that membership of the Single Market means accepting freedom of movement rules.


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