Skwawkbox Accused Of 'Deeply Sinister Bullying' Of Stella Creasy Over Shed Seven Gig

'What a sad bastard Steve from ‘Skwawkbox’ is.'

A popular pro-Corbyn blog has been accused of the “deeply sinister bullying” of a female Labour MP after it criticised her for attending a gig with a Conservative counterpart.

Stella Creasy watched indie band Shed Seven at Brixton Academy earlier this month alongside Tory MP, Therese Coffey, and former-Labour MP turned music rep, Michael Dugher, who tweeted his excitement at the prospect.

I’ve been looking forward to today for SO to see the mighty @shedseven tonight with @stellacreasy @theresecoffey @PolhomeEditor & others at @O2Brixton. Can’t wait! 🎤🎸🎶🍻@academyamg

— Michael Dugher (@MichaelDugher) December 16, 2017

Evidently, it was a rather good show.

Fuck my trousers. @shedseven were simply magnificent tonight.

— Michael Dugher (@MichaelDugher) December 17, 2017

But 10 days later blog site Skwawkbox picked up on the original tweet and messaged Creasy for comment, suggesting her apparent friendship with Coffey “raises questions about cosiness between Labour MPs and their Tory counterparts”.

A post shared by Stella Creasy (@stellacreasy) on

Just to be clear @skwawkbox if you think you can choose what’s on my office stereo, you are even more deluded than I thought about your power to control women in the Labour Party. Or possibly jealous you missed a great @shedseven gig…either way #jogon #noshittakingindiemp

— stellacreasy (@stellacreasy) December 27, 2017

Skwawkbox, run by an office worker from Merseyside called Steve, insisted the issue was in the public interest.

Extraordinary response to a press enquiry giving you chance to comment on something of public interest.

— The SKWAWKBOX (@skwawkbox) December 27, 2017

Skwawkbox is one of a number of left-wing pro-Labour websites that sprung up in support of Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership bid, some of which have been writing misleading stories in an attempt to smear other politicians and members of the media.

The site later ran a story on the exchange of messages, although the vast majority of people thought it was a complete non-issue.

Stella Creasy has committed the mortal sin of having friends that she may not 100% agree with politically.

You know, like a normal person.

— Jack Moore (@JackOMoore_) December 27, 2017

Tony Benn had many Tory friends. @stellacreasy is the same. Big f*cking deal.

— Peter Smith (@Redpeter99) December 27, 2017

It’s a simple point (beyond the wit of Skwawkbox, of course) but it’s up to @UK_Music if it wants to invite MPs from different parties to an event. MPs wd appear churlishly partisan to refuse invitations to events attended by those from other parties. #StellaCreasy #ShedSeven

— Rt Hon Sir Peter Mannion KCB MP (@PeterMannionMP) December 28, 2017

Solidarity with Stella Creasy. Sneering over the social life of a woman who's taken on Wonga and fought hard for reproductive rights strikes me as at best self-indulgence, at worst straightforward sexism.

— Victoria Smith (@glosswitch) December 28, 2017

Others suggested it was indicative of something far more sinister on the left-wing of the Labour Party and its supporters.

There is something deeply sinister about directing who a woman can or cannot go to a concert with. The bullying of MPs like the highly effective campaigner @stellacreasy by some on the hard left is repulsive & unacceptable.

— Sarah Wollaston (@sarahwollaston) December 27, 2017

Scenario A: Jeremy Corbyn attends meetings with Holocaust deniers & antisemites

Far Left response: "StOp tHE vILe SMeaRs aGAinSt jEz"

Scenario B: Stella Creasy attends a gig with another Labour MP, a Tory MP & a journo

Far Left response: "bREaK oUT tHE pItChfOrKS, cOMrAdeS"

— Daniel Sugarman (@Daniel_Sugarman) December 27, 2017

Dugher is the Chief Executive of lobbying group UK Music. Previously he was Shadow Secretary of State for Transport under Ed Miliband and campaign manager for Andy Burnham when he fought Corbyn for the Labour leadership in 2015.

He became Shadow Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport in 2015 but was sacked during Corbyn’s first reshuffle as leader.

He didn’t mince his words in response to the blog.

You are not the “press”. You are a fake news hard left blog site. And you wouldn’t know what the public interest is if someone shoved it up your arse. Happy Christmas.

— Michael Dugher (@MichaelDugher) December 27, 2017

What a sad bastard Steve from ‘Skwawkbox’ is. Can’t he just finish off a selection box and watch shite on telly like other people at Christmas?

— Michael Dugher (@MichaelDugher) December 27, 2017

Sentiments echoed by others.

You’re not a member of the press. You’re a pathetic, tragic, little man, sat in his pants at home, making up rubbish and spreading fake news to bully one section of the Labour Party on behalf of another.

— Jo Green (@jg_ccpress) December 27, 2017

Steve, it's Stuart here from CLP. We need to talk. This is bonkers. This is simply not fair and totally destructive. As you know I have stood by you but this is wrong of you. @stellacreasy

— Stuart Brandwood 🇪🇺 (@RoyalBlueStuey) December 27, 2017

Mate, check what was actually said vs the straw-man

— The SKWAWKBOX (@skwawkbox) December 28, 2017

Seriously though the "Press enquiry : Shedseven gig" (Response by 3:30pm please) email doesn't look great. Remember the post-election meeting when that guy talked about us all getting in inside the tent and actually p*ssing outwards for once.

— Stuart Brandwood 🇪🇺 (@RoyalBlueStuey) December 28, 2017

But a small group of vocal Labour supporters and one Labour MP pounced on the story as evidence of something else.

The relentless vituperative insults directed at @skwawkbox shows it's a thorn in the side of the Establishment, making it essential reading for anyone who wants to break the neoliberal status quo to create a fairer country; and it's why@skwawkbox deserves our support

— Chris Williamson MP (@DerbyChrisW) December 28, 2017

I thought Creasey's response to simple question was bizarre. Was she feeling guilty perhaps?

— Saboteur Aesop 🔵 (@TheFabledAesop) December 28, 2017

Hardworking? She is a decaying blairite.

— Daniel JC4PM Blake (@wirralphil1) December 27, 2017

Which Creasy took in her stride.

honestly I'm only 40 - ok so my joints creak more than they did but don't think it stops me from trying to take on the PFI companies...

— stellacreasy (@stellacreasy) December 28, 2017

Seems like deselection is going to be the buzzword for 2018

— Paul Singh (@Paul1Singh) December 27, 2017

Deselecting me for my musical choice? makes a change.....

— stellacreasy (@stellacreasy) December 27, 2017

Ah @stellacreasy The definition of a skid mark.

— I Hate EU 👌🏻 (@hate_eu) December 27, 2017

Someone didn't get what they wanted in the boxing day sales did they - I'm sorry you've had a rubbish day @hate_eu but really not the best way to make it all better...try the interweb and see if your mum can get it for you there ey...#jogon

— stellacreasy (@stellacreasy) December 27, 2017

Skwawkbox was contacted for comment but instead replied with a link to another blog post in which it still continues to insist Creasy has not addressed the issue of the “appropriateness of a Labour MP’s apparent cosiness with an MP of the party under whose policies millions are suffering”.


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