Stanley Tucci is a fantastic actor – especially in films such as Easy A, The Hunger Games and The Devil Wears Prada. But, dare I say it, I think he may be an even better cook.
Now, stay with me, I know we have plenty of great celebrity chefs to appreciate but he is honestly up there with the best of them and I say this because he has absolutely NAILED the art of making a delicious pasta dish that feels fancy AF and takes very little effort.
To me, personally, that is an art form.
Lazy pasta, Stanley Tucci style
As featured on AllRecipes, Stanley’s recipe only requires three ingredients: pasta, Parmigiano Reggiano and butter.
Stanley opts for the teeny tiny stelline pasta (aka little stars, estrellas, or pastina) but my local supermarket doesn’t usually have that in and to be honest, macaroni shells work just as well.
Speaking to AllRecipes, Stanley explained: ”[There] were dishes that were often served when you were feeling unwell in Italian families.
“If you had a stomach thing, you were served the pastina with butter and cheese. If you had some sort of cold or something like that, you’d have the chicken soup.”
Ultimate comfort food, then. Perfect.
To me, it’s the perfect meal after a long day, when you’ve raced indoors from the rain and just need something to soothe you as you snuggle into the sofa.
In the time that the pasta is cooking, you can get into your most comfortable pyjamas, pull a jumper over your head and pop your slippers on.
Once your pasta is cooked to how you like it, stir in four tablespoons of cubed butter and around 250g of Parmigiano Reggiano (or whatever your heart dictates is the right amount).
Add salt and pepper if you fancy and enjoy tucking into this great big hug of a dish.