Stormzy Donated £9,000 To A Fan Crowdfunding To Study At Harvard University

He was thanked with an invitation to Nandos.

Stormzy has donated thousands of pounds to one young fan so she can realise her dreams of studying at Harvard University.

Oxford Uni undergraduate Fiona Asiedu began crowdfunding to raise £12,000 so she could study a masters degree in human development and psychology at the prestigious US college.

Stormzy donated £9,000 to a fan hoping to study in America
Stormzy donated £9,000 to a fan hoping to study in America
PA Wire/PA Images

The final year student wrote on her Crowdfunder page: “As a young black woman, from an inner city, working class background, this is such an amazing opportunity.

“Ultimately, I believe that this will encourage young people from similar backgrounds to aspire for greatness and reach their full potential!”

Fiona Asiedu achieved her target of £12,000 in less than 24 hours thanks to the grime star
Fiona Asiedu achieved her target of £12,000 in less than 24 hours thanks to the grime star
Fiona Asiedu/ Crowdfunder

But Asiedu was left shocked when she reached her target in less than 24 hours thanks to the generosity of Stormzy.

The grime star donated £9,000 to the fund after Asiedu’s friend tweeted him and asked if he would share the campaign.

Can we all RT this please and get @Stormzy1 to help share her campaign!

— adaobi (@adaobiadibe_) May 15, 2017

While his name has been changed on the crowdfunding page to make the donation anonymous, representatives for the singer confirmed to BBC’s Newsbeat that Stormzy had in fact given the money.

Thrilled that Aseidu would now be able to study at Harvard, her pal thanked Stormzy over Twitter - by offering to take him out for a Nandos.

“Deal!” Stormzy replied.

@StephGump 😂 deal!

— #GSAP (@Stormzy1) May 15, 2017

Aseidu, who was raising the money for tuition, rent and supplied to top up a scholarship, will now begin her studies in August.

The 21-year-old has now extended the target on her crowdfunding, saying anything raised over £14,000 will be used to fund a foundation for black British students from low income families at Oxford or Harvard University.


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