An Obnoxious 69 Percent Of Millennials Take Photos Of Food Before Eating

If you didn't 'gram your food, did you even really eat it?

The internet wants to make you think that millennials are insufferable, and the results of a recent survey are only helping the internet’s case.

According to a new study by Maru/Matchbox, 69 percent of millennials take a photo (or a video) of their food before eating.

This isn’t too surprising, because millennials love doing things for the ‘gram and the food porn obsession is real as hell.

Here are some examples of millennial food porn:

I'm thinking eggs for dinner ...

A post shared by Kiki Von Glinow (@kikivonglinow) on

One wild 'n crazy Saturday night! ☝🏻️

A post shared by Nina Friend (@ninafriend) on

The study profiled 1,019 U.S. residents aged 18 to 34 and was balanced in terms of census region, age and household income. Millennials accounted for 310 Americans in the sample.

In addition to photographing their food, millennials in the study were more likely than those who were 35-plus to “love cooking” and consider themselves “experts in the kitchen.”

Who’s hungry?
