Sunday Shows: 'The World Can Sleep More Safely Thanks To Trump Bombing Syria'

All you need to know after a busy morning in the world of politics

The Andrew Marr Show

Former Scotland First Minister Alex Salmond appeared down the line from Aberdeen, and claimed Boris Johnson looked like a “mini-me” to the US after the Foreign Secretary cancelled his trip to Moscow.

.@AlexSalmond says "Boris Johnson just looks daft" after cancelling Russian visit #marr

— The Andrew Marr Show (@MarrShow) April 9, 2017

On Scottish independence, Salmond expected Theresa May’s claim that “now is not the time” for a second referendum to “crumble” over the next few months.

Theresa May position on Scotland "will crumble over time" says @AlexSalmond #marr

— The Andrew Marr Show (@MarrShow) April 9, 2017

International Development Secretary Priti Patel was up to represent the Government, and Marr put to her the most pressing question: Did America tell Boris Johnson to cancel his planned visit to Moscow?

She replied that “events have moved on” and Johnson is now focused on working with the G7 to bring about an internationally coordinated response to Syrian civil war.

Were we told by the US not to send Boris Johnson to Moscow? Andrew asks @patel4witham #marr

— The Andrew Marr Show (@MarrShow) April 9, 2017

Patel repeatedly claimed the UK needed to work with all “counterparts” in order to find a solution to the war in Syria, but Marr claimed this was “bemusing” as Johnson has just cancelled to a trip to Russia – one of the main antagonists in the conflict.

"We are constantly engaging with all our counterparts" However @patel4witham refuses to say whether UK will talk to the Russians #marr

— The Andrew Marr Show (@MarrShow) April 9, 2017

On UK joining in with military action, Patel said: “Parliament spoke in 2013.”

"Parliament spoke in 2013" - @patel4witham after #Marr asks if it's time for MPs to vote on military action in Syria

— BBC News (UK) (@BBCNews) April 9, 2017

Labour’s Shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry said her party’s position is that the American airstrikes were wrong, and President Trump should have worked with the United Nations to investigate whether war crimes had been committed in Syria – and by whom.

"We need to have this war stopped as soon as possible" @EmilyThornberry on Syria #marr

— The Andrew Marr Show (@MarrShow) April 9, 2017

Thornberry went on to suggest that any chance of a negotiated peace in Syria might have been “set back” by the American bombing.

Under what circumstances would Labour support military action against Assad? Andrew asks @EmilyThornberry #marr

— The Andrew Marr Show (@MarrShow) April 9, 2017

On Labour’s plan to introduce free school meals to all primary school children, Thornberry said poor children are more likely to be overweight than thin, and youngsters need to be taught “how to grow a carrot.”

"Poor children now, they're not thin, they're overweight" - @EmilyThornberry defends @UKLabour's free school meals for all policy on #Marr

— BBC News (UK) (@BBCNews) April 9, 2017

Thornberry was also asked about Ken Livingstone, and she said she was “bewildered” by the turn of events and the former London Mayor should be kicked out of Labour.

“I was surprised he wasn’t thrown out. I think that he should have been,” she said.

Sophy Ridge on Sunday

Former Ukip MEP Steven Woolfe was first up on Ridge to discuss how he wants to see net migration into the UK cut to 50,000 a year.

MEP @Steven_Woolfe talks to @SophyRidgeSky about how net migration numbers in the UK could be reduced to 50,000 a year #Ridge

— SophyRidge On Sunday (@RidgeOnSunday) April 9, 2017

He revealed that since leaving Ukip last year, he now only speaks to half a dozen of his former MEP colleagues, and Nigel Farage “keeps his distance” from him.

"I have a chat with Nigel [Farage] from time to time. He keeps his distance from me a little bit" @Steven_Woolfe tells @SophyRidgeSky #Ridge

— SophyRidge On Sunday (@RidgeOnSunday) April 9, 2017

Labour Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell said he could “weep” about how his party is now seen by the Jewish community after numerous claims of anti-Semitism.

"It's a tragedy," says Shadow Chancellor @johnmcdonnellMP on antisemitism experienced by people, including Labour supporters #Ridge

— SophyRidge On Sunday (@RidgeOnSunday) April 9, 2017

He called for Ken Livingstone to apologise for his comments, but didn’t go so far as to say he should be kicked out of the party.

Does @johnmcdonnellMP think Ken Livingstone should have been expelled from the Labour Party? @SophyRidgeSky asks the question on #Ridge

— SophyRidge On Sunday (@RidgeOnSunday) April 9, 2017

On Syria, McDonnell said there should have been an “inquiry” into the use of chemical weapons instead of an American bombing campaign. He claimed the military action “set back” the growing rapprochement between Moscow and Washington.

.@johnmcdonnellMP: "Russia has a role to play because they've propped up the Assad regime all the way through" #Ridge

— SophyRidge On Sunday (@RidgeOnSunday) April 9, 2017

He criticised Boris Johnson’s decision to scrap his trip to Russia, saying the Foreign Secretary should “be frank with them”.

"Boris Johnson should be in Moscow now" @johnmcdonnellMP tells @SophyRidgeSky regarding the Foreign Secretary's cancelled Russia trip #Ridge

— SophyRidge On Sunday (@RidgeOnSunday) April 9, 2017

McDonnell laughed off claims that he had been “tamed” since taking up his frontbench position. The Shadow Chancellor promised that a “radical program” of policies would be unveiled in the next few months.

Has @johnmcdonnellMP tamed his views since becoming Shadow Chancellor or has he got a radical programme planned for the coming months #Ridge

— SophyRidge On Sunday (@RidgeOnSunday) April 9, 2017

Tory MP Andrew Mitchell, co-chair of a cross-party Friends of Syria group, repeated his claim from last year that Russia’s actions in the Middle East country echoed that of the Nazi bombing of Guernica in Spain in 1937.

Andrew Mitchell MP, co-chair of Friends of Syria, talks to @SophyRidgeSky about Russia's role in Syria #Ridge

— SophyRidge On Sunday (@RidgeOnSunday) April 9, 2017

Mitchell was full of praise for President Trump, who he said had maintained “humanitarian law” when former President Obama had failed in 2013. Mitchell said: “All of us around the world can sleep more safely” as a result of Trump’s actions.

Conservative MP Andrew Mitchell responds to the news of the Foreign Secretary cancelling his trip to Russia #Ridge

— SophyRidge On Sunday (@RidgeOnSunday) April 9, 2017

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