Super Bowl Ads And Lady Gaga's Halftime Show Demonstrate Unity And Inclusion

Well done these guys.

The United States has been suffering from division and disunity recently but this year’s Super Bowl featured plenty of moments which showcased the country’s spirit of inclusivity and celebrated diversity.

The Super Bowl is one of the biggest sporting events of the year in the US (and perhaps even the world) and this year saw the New England Patriots launch a stunning comeback to beat the Atlana Falcons 34-28.

The New England Patriots beat the Atlana Falcons 34-28
The New England Patriots beat the Atlana Falcons 34-28
TIMOTHY A. CLARY via Getty Images

But the American Football competition isn’t just about the sport - it’s also well-known for the adverts shown during the game and its half-time show, this year performed by Lady Gaga.

This year’s Super Bowl seemed to focus on fighting back after what was a particularly divisive presidential campaign.

Here were some of the best moments...

Airbnb’s message of acceptance

The company has already taken a stand against Donald Trump’s travel ban on people from seven Muslim majority countries by offering free accommodation to anyone affected.

So it’s of no surprise that Airbnb’s ad was all about accepting people no matter what.

Okay, @Airbnb, I see your ad and I'm feelin' the love. Well done. #weaccept

— RedCheshire (@mcmom2mc3) February 6, 2017

.@Airbnb's #Superbowl ad celebrates our diversity & what makes us great: accepting others for who they are. #MediaWeLIke #WeAccept

— NARAL (@NARAL) February 6, 2017

That Airbnb ad was really nice.

— MGG. (@gublergrams) February 6, 2017

This building supply store’s ‘banned’ ad ending

Lumber 84’s ad featured a Spanish-speaking mother and daughter apparently traveling from Mexico to the United States.

The end, which shows the pair discovering a door in a giant wall, was reportedly banned from TV since it commented on President Donald Trump’s promised border wall.

It ended with the line “the will to succeed is always welcome here”.

Lumber 84’s site crashed last night as people flocked to watch the full video.

84 Lumber is choosing to be on the right side of history. Thank you for standing up for what you believe.

— Bailey Patterson (@BaileyPatterso5) February 6, 2017

To anyone who missed the point of the 84 Lumber commercial, it was simple and uncontroversial.

Illegal immigrants are humans.

That's it.

— #NeverTrump #Ex-GOP (@Trump_Truther) February 6, 2017

Coca Cola’s ‘America The Beautiful’ ad

Our diversity is our strength. America The Beautiful #SuperBowl #Coke

— Keith Boykin (@keithboykin) February 6, 2017

The advert featured a wide range of people singing the famous song in different languages and ended with the declarations “together is beautiful”.

Many people applauded the ad on social media...

Coca Cola airs a moving Super Bowl ad celebrating our nations incredible diversity. Loved it.

— Elizabeth Vargas (@EVargasABC) February 5, 2017

Well done, @cocacola #SuperBowl

— Kevin Negandhi (@KNegandhiESPN) February 5, 2017

Coca-Cola, I applaud your sensitivity to the healing that our country needs right now!!! Excellently done!!! #SuperBowl

— Herman L. Dickey (@HDfromMT) February 5, 2017

That Coca-Cola commercial featuring two dads, and a multi racial America tho 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Can't wait to see Trump explode on that. #SuperBowl

— Maxwell Ammerman (@Teh_Bandyt) February 5, 2017

Audi’s fightback against sexism

Progress is for everyone. At Audi, we are committed to equal pay for equal work. #DriveProgress

— Audi (@Audi) February 6, 2017

This ad, featuring a young girl with some seriously good driving skills, featured a father questioning whether he would have to explain to his daughter about the gender pay gap.

Audi has said it is “committed to equal pay for equal work”.

We see you #Audi great commercial

— octavia spencer (@octaviaspencer) February 6, 2017

Audi, thank your for reminding us that everyone is created equal and should be treated & valued as an equal! Great commercial @Audi_Online

— Bradley (@bradleyaschoch) February 6, 2017

This haircare brand’s Trump trolling

It’s A 10 warned that Americans are in for four years of “awful hair” - so encouraged them to fight back with their own, whatever their chosen style may be (and yes that includes facial hair, chest hair and even back hair).

I just love that the commercial started with, "America... we're in for 4 years of awful hair." 😂 and I love #itsa10 💁

— Brittni Maurer (@bmau13) February 6, 2017

"We are in for 4 years of awful hair"....YOOOOO THEY CAME AT TRUMP's HAIR!!!!!!

— #FireBK (@mr_jt412) February 6, 2017

Budweiser’s immigrant tale

This tells the story of the beer brand’s co-founder Adolphus Busch’s journey to America from Germany in 1857.

Some Trump supporters have even called for a boycott of the beer brand over the ad.

The love was far strong though...

#boycottbudwiser Alt Right can't even spell what they're boycotting. More for me, looks like I'll be stocking up on budweiser, nice work!

— klark (@politicalsoap) February 6, 2017

I love how so many brands paid millions of dollars to spread love & acceptance tonight. #weaccept #Budweiser #84lumber

— Landon Perry (@landonjperry00) February 6, 2017

#Audi #Budweiser #airbnb I am proud to spend my hard-earned cash on you. America loves you #SuperBowl #weaccept

— No thx GOP (@ScrewGOP) February 6, 2017

Lady Gaga’s patriotic performance

Some were surprised that the singer didn’t get more political with her set but as well as some of her own hits she also performed some more traditional songs.

‘This Land Is Your Land’ and ‘God Bless America’ focussed on unity and freedom.


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