Taylor Swift Stalker Breaks Into Singer's Home, Takes Nap

Fortunately, the singer was not home at the time.

A Florida man broke into Taylor Swift’s Manhattan home on Friday, according to police.

Investigating the report of a break-in, police found 22-year-old Roger Alvarado sleeping in the singer’s Tribeca residence. Swift was not home at the time.

Police arrested Alvarado, a resident of Homestead, Florida, for stalking, burglary, criminal mischief and trespassing. Back in February, Alvarado was arrested at that same New York address for using a shovel to break open the front door.

Stalkers have become a far too regular occurrence for the Grammy winner. Just this past week, a man wearing gloves and a mask was arrested outside of Swift’s Beverly Hills home on suspicion of stalking. A search of the man’s car revealed a knife, rope and ammunition.

Earlier this month, a man arrested for stalking Swift back in 2016 was sentenced to 10 years probation and will be GPS-monitored for a year.


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